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As it turned out, some other corporations also were leaving R.A.G.E and the [[NC|NC]], with the notion of creating an alliance free of blob warfare and constant CTAs. And a general allignement with the southern block - or the NIP, Non Invasion Pact system.
As it turned out, some other corporations also were leaving R.A.G.E and the [[NC|NC]], with the notion of creating an alliance free of blob warfare and constant CTAs. And a general allignement with the southern block - or the NIP, Non Invasion Pact system.
After some diplomatic issues being resolved, SOB alliance moved into Detorid region, to take some space to base out of and provide some home for the industrial part of the alliance.
After some diplomatic issues being resolved, SOB alliance moved into [[Detorid_(Region)|Detorid]] region, to take some space to base out of and provide some home for the industrial part of the alliance.
:However, after helping the alliance to reinforce a few systems and station, '''T-K-T''' realized, that this is exactly what they wanted to avoid - soverenity grind, border alliance existence, lost of blues and a constant threat of a massive invasion.
:However, after helping the alliance to reinforce a few systems and station, '''T-K-T''' realized, that this is exactly what they wanted to avoid - soverenity grind, border alliance existence, lost of blues and a constant threat of a massive invasion.
Using the initial idea of the alliance - every member is free to do what they want to - '''T-K-T''' moved out of the [[Detorid_region|Detorid]] and into a NPC-controlled space, to rebuild itself, regain it's wealth and build up ISK reserves again.
Using the initial idea of the alliance - every member is free to do what they want to - '''T-K-T''' moved out of the [[Detorid_(Region)|Detorid]] and into a NPC-controlled space, to rebuild itself, regain it's wealth and build up ISK reserves again.
And after just a few weeks, DRF endeed sent an eviction team of about one hundred pilots with support of a few supercarriers to take Detorid back under DRF control.
And after just a few weeks, DRF endeed sent an eviction team of about one hundred pilots with support of a few supercarriers to take Detorid back under DRF control.
SOB offered no resistance, at first joining '''T-K-T''' in [[Stain|Stain]] and dispersing later, with every corporation going their own way.
SOB offered no resistance, at first joining '''T-K-T''' in [[Stain_(Region)|Stain]] and dispersing later, with every corporation going their own way.

Revision as of 18:49, 4 August 2011


Template:Player Corporation Extended


T-K-T has been in existence for more than 4 years. Historically, T-K-T was mainly an industrial corp, but, having based themselves in 0.0 they have evolved and are primarily a PvP corp with an industrial backbone.

The Empire Days

T-K-T was established by a core of members that broke away from Triple Crystal Miners, who were originally 0.0 based. They were mostly industrial pilots wanting to enjoy the profits of empire space. T-K-T rose as a premier industrial corporation under the tutelage of its CEO Bertie. They controlled a vast number of industrial POS's used primarily to manufacture T2 materials for Bertie's large T2 production. Eventually, mounting pressure from outside forces made Bertie retire and Major Hill took over the reins of T-K-T. Then a modest sized corp with mostly industrial interests they forged forward.

A Return to 0.0

Hydra Alliance

With suitable industrial might T-K-T set its sights back on 0.0. Life in 0.0 space had evolved and the industrial pilots yearned for a piece of it. The introduction of outpost and sovereign space helped to make 0.0 life more attractive to industrialists. Empire was getting crowded, and they emptiness of 0.0 space was inviting. T-K-T joined Hydra Alliance and established itself back in 0.0 space. Using its industrial might T-K-T constructed one of Hydra Alliance's outposts in the system T-ZWA1 in the region Vale of the Silent.

PURE. Alliance

After about a year of living with Hydra Alliance, CEO Major Hill moved T-K-T.

Life with Hydra had been good, but T-K-T goals and Hydra goals were not aligning any more. So, T-K-T joined PURE. Alliance, close allies of Hydra, a PvP alliance also based in the Vale of the Silent. It is here that T-K-T grew into more than a mere industrial corporation. Skyy later took the reigns and created a capital ship shares program. Here corp investors helped drive T-K-T to the next level of core strength and wealth. PURE. Alliance was a major player in the EVE political landscape as a member of the Northern Coalition (NC), and embarked on many of the great campaigns of the time.

Under a new CEO, Bill Andrex, T-K-T participated in the great wars against BoB.
Alongside its allies, T-K-T participated in driving BoB back to Delve. T-K-T had grown strong, becoming one of PURE.'s most reliable fighting forces and consistently maintained a place in PURE.'s top 5 PvP corps.
Once BoB had been driven back, PURE. Alliance returned home as the NC withdrew.

Insurgency alliance started Branch campaign, invading the region and removing local residents, Stella Polaris and Phoenix Allianz. After a while NC decided to fight them, and a new war began.

T-K-T grew in numbers, soon fielding major part of every PURE. fleet and participating in every fight of NC in Branch or Deklein. Insurgency retreated from the region, and soon after that disbanded.
Meanwhile, Triumvirate alliance folded, and PURE. moved to take Deklein. Again, T-K-T pilots were sent into the fray to clear Triumvirate's former space.

In the South, BoB eventually repelled all of its invaders. After some time off from fighting, BoB began its MAX Campaign. The NC was one of its first targets and they attacked in the North. At the same time, G00DFELLAS alliance joined BoB and attacked Deklein, and Triumvirate. Mk2 moved into the Vale of the Silent. Split between the two regions, T-K-T pilots fought hard across all of PURE. Alliance space to help defend its sovereignty. PURE. was suffering under the continuous pressure, and its corps began to have doubts causing jitters amongst the alliance leadership. Though T-K-T fought till the last day, misunderstandings caused T-K-T to be kicked from PURE.

Having been kicked earlier than planned from PURE. Alliance, along with three other PvP corps, and left without even a chance to fight, T-K-T found itself out in the cold.

Vanguard Alliance

While T-K-T scrambled to withdraw assets from the outposts they still had access to, the corp decided to withdraw to the Venal region in order to recover losses and hopefully maintain some PvP action. There T-K-T met and joined the Vanguard alliance. But alas, Vanguard's way of life and T-K-T's desires were not compatible. Due to real life issues, Bill Andrex eventually stepped aside and introduced Zeminy as T-K-T's new CEO.

Intrepid Crossing

Zeminy's first order of business was to realign T-K-T's goals with its member's goals, and the search began for a place that was compatible with them. After some time searching through the many alliances in EVE, T-K-T approached Intrepid Crossing Alliance (IRC). IRC and T-K-T's goals were compatible with each other, and the move was made in late November, 2008, when T-K-T parted ways with Vanguard Alliance and joined Intrepid Crossing. As a home base, TKT had IRC constellation in Malpais regions, controlling it almoust on their own. Since then, T-K-T has seen great growth and taken the next step in becoming a greater force to be reckoned with.

Vale Campaign

In IRC, T-K-T worked with KIA alliance and the NC in a campaign in Vale of the Silent, fighting to expel Triumvirate. Successful, the NC's allies returned to live in the Vale.

GoonSwarm vs. BoB ("KenZoku")

Following a spectacular black ops coup via a disgruntled BoB director, GoonSwarm moved to oust KenZoku alliance (Formerly known as Band of Brothers, or BoB) from Delve. IRC was asked to assist their efforts: After a quick move into the Tenerifis and Detorid regions to secure Goonspace, the T-K-T pilots patrolled there to keep -A- pilots out. The goal was to help GoonSwarm to secure a Titan it was in the midst of building. Against All Authorities made a fatal mistake about the mechanics of sovereignty, and failed to take over down the outpost system necessary for the titan's construction.. This resulted in very little conflict in that area of Tenerifis.

With GoonSwarm's titan saved, IRC and T-K-T withdrew back to their home space.

RA Campaign

On 21 of April 2009 after a few small border conflicts Intrepid Crossing resets it's standings with Red Alliance, starting invasion of Insmother, home region of Red Alliance, with desire of new ratting grounds and moons. Soon enough, after a few successful provocations by Red Alliance and GoonSwarm, and also after very unsuccessful diplomatic efforts by Intrepid Crossing's leadership, alliance was reset by almost the entire EVE, apart from the only ally, who stayed alongside of Intrepid Crossing until the end - Ethereal Dawn alliance, neighbours from Etherium Reach region.

From the begining T-K-T grabbed this new possibility to use it's ressourses and skills in logistics, POS-warfare and small-gang operations as the best chance to have that Fight, they weren't able to get in NC.
All 4 months of the War, T-K-T fielded more pilots in every fleet, that any other corporation, including bigger ones.
T-K-T members, together with members of VIV and NIX corporations become senior FC's, who were trying very hard to overpower IRC's bureaucracy and military impotence of most AWE FC's.

Faced with Red Alliance, their allies, and also some alliances of NC, who joined the war, IRC and ED most of the time were heavily outnumbered and, most important, outskilled.

But very good logistic system, numerous POS', huge reserves and people, who fought one hopeless fight after another no matter what allowed Intrepid Crossing to keep it's ground until Red Alliance's economic folded up, drawing the alliance's leadership into some sort of revolution against it's members. Unsuccesful takeover by a new leadership, resulting in Red Alliance's losing it's sovereignty in Insmother. At the same time Atlas alliance attacked Detorid and Insmother, and Red Alliance wasn't able to fight.

But that wasn't victory for Intrepid Crossing. At the same time KenZoku formally accepted defeat, and GoonSwarm were left with no enemy. Soon Legion of xxDeathxx, Drone Regions ally of GoonSwarm, who kept blue standing with Intrepid Crossing during all the War, reseted Intrepid Crossing and Ethereal Dawn, and started a huge POS-pressure, supported by remnants of Red Alliance and it's allies, "Foreign Legion" of GoonSwarm and at the beginning - Pandemic Legion's mobile fleet. Intrepid Crossing decided to evacuate.

And again T-K-T's experience in extreme logistics allowed T-K-T to help Intrepid Crossing, and mostly T-K-T's friends: VIV, NIX and NUKKA to withdraw without any heavy losses.
After Intrepid Crossing stopped any resistance, T-K-T left the alliance for the new beginning.

R.A.G.E alliance

After leaving Intrepid Crossing, T-K-T and other former IRC corporation, Killer Koalas (NUKKA), ex. Ganja Labs, member of PURE. and old friends of T-K-T, decided to return into their old home - region Vale of the Silent.

And a new alliance was created, as a union of this two corporations: R.A.G.E (CTL-Q)

From the beginning, this new alliance positioned itself as a PvP unit, working together with the owner of the region at the time - Majesta Empire (ME), but separate from them politically (apart from blue standings with NC - R.A.G.E had it's own standings, therefore friends and enemies) and economically.

Despite having only 2 member corporations, R.A.G.E showed decent level of skill and will to engage or meet hostiles face to face, while fighting in Vale of the Silent, either supporting Majesta Empire, or working on it's own.

Soon other corps showed their interest in joining the alliance, at first - small band of Greek pirates, also old friends of T-K-T - Violet Vortex, and later - yet another ex. IRC corporation, Two Brothers Mining Corp. (TBMC).

After two month living in Vale of the Silent, R.A.G.E was contacted by "rebels" of Atropos alliance, Black Serpent Technologies (MAMBA), Pure Annihilation (0FACE) and The Penumbra Initiative (-PEN-), with an offer, that if R.A.G.E is willing to support their case vs. Atropos' leading corporation Marquie-X Corp (M-X) and allied with M-X corporations, to which NC had a "total uninvolment" position, then three afore-mentioned corporations will join R.A.G.E and R.A.G.E will be able to claim Eastern half of Vale of the Silent, Atropos' territory at the time, for R.A.G.E itself.
All three corporations were long known to T-K-T and NUKKA from the past alliances and wars, and always had their support in politics.
The offer was accepted, and R.A.G.E took the eastern part of Vale of the Silent and become a guest alliance of the NC.

It didn't take a lot of time for R.A.G.E to prove itself a worthy ally and shortly afterwards R.A.G.E was granted a full membership of the NC with the right of having it's own guests and full ownership of the entire Eastern half of Vale of the Silent.

Each member corporation had right of opinion and could suggest any of their ideas to the alliance's leadership, which consisted of directors of NUKKA and T-K-T, with the Council of CEO's of every other member-corporation.

The 1st Geminate Campaign

After member alliances of newly formed DRF (coalition of the Drone Regions) began a full scale assault on it's former allies, Atlas alliance - SOLAR and Red Alliance worked together with Atlas in taking Geminate region from under the NC member Wildly Inapropriate. during MAX2 compaign - small alliances, living in geminate under SOLAR patronage began covert operations vs. R.A.G.E's logistical system.

Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate alliance's stealth bombers camped R.A.G.E's Jump Bridges network, avoiding any direct confrontation, but killing industrial traffic.

T-K-T deploed a covert ops squads in IAC's space, efficiently shutting them down for any non PvP traffic. After one week the reason of this was announced to the IAC's leadership, and despite the initial refusal to cooperate - in less then a week every single stealth bomber of the IAC left Vale of the Silent. Only to be replaced by IAC's southern neighbour's - Solipse. - stealth squads. The same operation was concluded, but after two weeks Solipse. still maintained presense within Vale of the Silent. The decision was made to begun an evicting compaign, with the initial strike on QKTR-L system - to set up a Jump Bridge behind NPC controlled N-K4Q0 constellattion, so, roaming fleets whould have an element of surprise, when coming into Geminate.

The initial staging went smooth, but escalated into full scale siege by the entire Vale alliances block (Majesta Empire, R.A.G.E and their guests, living in Vale of the Silent region) vs. SOLAR, IAC, Solipse. and occasional help from further sourthern Gemanate residents - LEM alliance. Despite the efficiency of the SOLAR Fleet's bomber squads and heavy losses in Battleships by the Vale block - teh system was taken... and the assault continued, eventually returning the entire Geminate region under teh NC control.

Vale alliances took soverenity in the western half of the region, while Stella Polaris. and Rebellion Alliance took the eastern half from the Red Alliance.

The Kalevala Expanse recon and LXQ2-T assault

Since the IT alliance The Initiative. alliance, backed up by the DRF and hired Pandemic Legion in their compaign vs. Against All Authorities (-A-) and their allies, the NC grew vary of the MAX3 threat, with IT going from the west, and DRF - east. The decision was made to undertace a reconnaissance operation vs. Legion of xxDeathxx controlled region of The Kalevala Expanse.

T-K-T deploed it's logistical capabilities and supplied everything for soveretity taking and holding, while R.A.G.E other Vale alliances took a system after system. Hardly any resistance was offered, and the offence stopped, avaiting a counter attack.

Meanwhile the rest of the NC stopped their attack on IRC's space in the Cobalt Edge region, and deploed south, eventually besieging the Empire Entrance system of the entire Drone Regions - LXQ2-T. Effectivelly drawing DRF from the south. Very heavy fighting occured, with record breacking numbers being assembled and fileded by the both sides. The inition success of the NC in taking the system and a few others soon stalled, due to no real need of actually taking the space and also the threat to the NC's Tech-moons in Venal region, which went under attack by the Pandemic Legion.

T-K-Tmonitored the retake of The Kalevala Expanse region by the Legion of xxDeathxx very closely. Their heavy usage of Supercarrier class ships, their tactic of launching a simultaneous attack vs many system at once and their spying network at work to determine whenever any resistance whould be present and relocating fleets accordinly.
The Venal Supercapital Skirmish

T-K-T participated in the Venal compaing of the NC vs the Pandemic Legion only by providing a few capital ships to the coalitions capital fleet, and some more - together with the rest of R.A.G.E - to the coalition's sub-capital fleets. All the moons were taken back after the initial super-capital fight, which resulted in the loss of 7Pandemic Legion's titans within two days. Pandemic Legion had retreated from the region, offering no resistance to the NC retaking their moons.

The 2st Geminate Campaign

A few months later DRF decided to launch an attack vs. the NC, starting with the Geminate region. It begun with disbanding of the Rebellion Alliance, and loss of all their space, giving DRF the initiative on the offence. NC forces retaliated, and soon the entire region was under siege by either side. Some systems were taken, some defended, no substantial progress made by either side.

Then after one battle NC's super capital fleet decided to hotdrop a suppercarrier in DRF's staging low-sec system Uemon - wich resulted in yet another record breaking Super-Capital fight and one of the most "lag"-heavy in EvE history. The DRF counter-hotdropped, together with the ex.IT - Raiden, and fielding much more suppercarriers. The result was predictable DRF victory, with 10 NC's titans and 5 suppercarriers down, traded for only 2 raiden's titans and 2 DRF suppercarriers. This will be known as the Valentine’s Day Massacre.

NC, however was not taken aback, being used to havy losses, and continued fighting, especially for the O2O-2X system, which saw at least two more super-capital fleet clashes, one won by the NC with at least 20 super-capitals destroed, and another - by the DRF, bringing NC's defence of the system to the end.

Knowing, that at this rate, the war of attrition will be won by the NC, used to massive blob warfare, DRF's leadership decided to hire the Pandemic Legion yet again, this time - to help Raiden. to move the frontline into Vale of the Silent itself, giving DRF time of respite.

This was not a surprise to the T-K-T, neither was DRF's general strategy and tactics. Whenever R.A.G.E was in charge untill this point - NC forces eventually prevailed, only later to be overwhelmed by sheer numbers and different time zones.

However, being at a drawing point after month and month of maintaining logistics of the frontline for the entire coalition, organising fleets, startegy, politics, marketing etc. - T-K-T only managed to maintain R.A.G.E logistical system for just over a week under the constant assault. Then DRF forces returned into the fight. Despite winning battle over IR-DYY, with the support of the NC, R.A.G.E was unable to maintain the tempo of the war any more - PL and Raiden hitting up to 5 systems overnight, and DRF adding another 4-5 in their TZ.

T-K-T's leadership proposed removing R.A.G.E from the blob warfare, and launching an attack on DRF logistical lines. However the rest of the alliance's leadership and most of the councill decided to stick together with the NC, believing in them. After some arguments T-K-T decided to leave the alliance for the sake of saving the burned out corporation from further decline.

Strategic Operations Brigade alliance

As it turned out, some other corporations also were leaving R.A.G.E and the NC, with the notion of creating an alliance free of blob warfare and constant CTAs. And a general allignement with the southern block - or the NIP, Non Invasion Pact system.

After some diplomatic issues being resolved, SOB alliance moved into Detorid region, to take some space to base out of and provide some home for the industrial part of the alliance.

However, after helping the alliance to reinforce a few systems and station, T-K-T realized, that this is exactly what they wanted to avoid - soverenity grind, border alliance existence, lost of blues and a constant threat of a massive invasion.

Using the initial idea of the alliance - every member is free to do what they want to - T-K-T moved out of the Detorid and into a NPC-controlled space, to rebuild itself, regain it's wealth and build up ISK reserves again.

And after just a few weeks, DRF endeed sent an eviction team of about one hundred pilots with support of a few supercarriers to take Detorid back under DRF control. SOB offered no resistance, at first joining T-K-T in Stain and dispersing later, with every corporation going their own way.


T-K-T is a mature Corp which understands its members desires and respects that people have real lives to conduct. RL comes first.

What they offer:

  • Plenty of targets - Daily Corp/Alliance PvP Ops
  • Capital Ship Programme
  • TS3 server
  • Alliance Killboards
  • Alliance Mining/Ratting/PvP
  • Based in 0.0
  • Personal POS, Research & Manufacturing slots
  • Access to Outpost Clone vats
  • An active membership base
  • An excellent opportunity to fly & learn with highly experienced pilots

What they are looking for:

  • Mature pilots who enjoy having a bit of fun!
  • All levels of experience considered
  • Time zones: Mainly US & Euro
  • Active Pilots who enjoy working in a team
  • Your participation in Corp & Alliance operations