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Kernher's faith is very strong, though much of it is the result of heavy indoctrination during her youth. She gives very little thought to her beliefs, and sees them as right because she has been taught that they are right. Though she does argue theology, it almost always revolves around spiritual matters rather than consideration of factual elements.
As a former slave, Kernher adheres to the teachings of the Salvation Church of Blessed Servitude. As a result, her beliefs revolve around submission, and so she views it as a positive and noble tradition. Ambition and desire, on the other hand, are things she views as an evil. Kernher is also a firm believer in the power of salvation, and in its necessity for the "lesser races" (such as herself) who, according to Amarr faith, turned from God hundreds of thousands of years ago.
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===Political Positions===
===Political Positions===
Kernher's position on Imperial political affairs resides within the conservative and orthodox blocs, falling somewhere between Ardishapur and Sarum ideals. Officially Kernher maintains documented fealty towards the Ardishapur Family and she has backed the Family in its efforts for the Imperial Throne. She supported Idonis Ardishapur after the death of Emperor Heideran VII and frequently voiced her hope that Yonis Ardishapur would succeed the assassinated Emperor Doriam II during the reign of Chamberlain Dochuta Karsoth. Following Yonis Ardishapur's various social welfare programs in Ardishapur and Ammatar territories, Kernher seems to have developed a great affection towards the Heir that goes beyond that of regular political support.
Having grown up under slavery, Kernher possesses strong opinions in regards to the treatment of indentured servants in the Empire and abroad. Her outlook on slavery is considered orthodox; she believes that as an institution slavery can only work when it is built on a spiritual foundation that allows for the recognition of the base dignity of human beings as creatures of God. Kernher considers any slave enterprise that operates solely on economic or exploitative principles to greatly immoral, such as foreign slave rings, Sansha's Nation, Blood Raiders, and mismanaged Holdings. She is especially opposed to breeding farms, the Human Endurance Program, and any form of slave sacrifice. Though believing in the basic dignity of slaves, Kernher does not share liberal ideals of single-generation-only enslavement or refusing harsh punishment, and maintains that personal salvation, not personal emancipation, should be the ultimate life goal for the average slave. While the two are related, Kernher says, they are not tied to the other; emancipation happens most often at the family line, not the individual, and a slave should not believe that just because they are kept in chains that they cannot achieve personal salvation in their own life through loyal service. Kernher advocates traditional punishments for transgressions, such as revoking of benefits, Glaive-collars, isolation, and physical punishment, which she considers necessary for promoting good behavior. She has been uncharacteristically vocal about her disapproval of both transcranial microcontrollers and vitoxin, which she believes deny the fundamental spiritual component of Amarrian slavery, and she has expressed great pride in the fact that Ardishapur territories have banned TCMCs on a widescale.
Kernher divides sharply from Ardishapur politics in her support of Empress Jamyl I. Kernher has regularly rejected the theory that the Empress is a clone, despite the lack of proof of divine resurrection, though it is unclear whether this is due to true faith or simply an unwillingness to express any form of opposition to the Imperial Throne. Jamyl's Emancipation Decree of 9th generation slaves and above solidified Kernher's support of the Empress.
Kernher favors the existing hierarchical collectivism of the Empire and as a general principle opposes most bottom-up civil disobedience or other forms of social unrest. This lead her to express support for Tibus Heth's Provist regime in the recent uprising in the Caldari State, and she spoke out against her friend Pieter Tuulinen when he engaged Kaalakiota Home Guard vessels despite that they had opened fire on a protesting civilian transport. She has also on rare occasion made disparaging remarks against the Khanid Kingdom due to the events surrounding King Khanid II's refusal to commit Shathol'Syn and the subsequent violent secession of his territory from the greater Amarr Empire, which she considers a grave heresy.

Revision as of 18:58, 18 August 2014

Name Samira Kernher
Gender Female
Minmatar republic.jpg
Sebiestor tribe.jpg
Father Ansar Kernher
Mother Ranaa Oniken
Siblings Aaminah Kernher (sister)<br\>Mikal Kernher (brother)
Extended Family Astera Zandraki (cousin)
Date of Birth 87.12.08
Place of Birth Sertene-Nauon, Casern, Thebeka III, Domain, Amarr Empire
Height 1.67m (5'6")
Weight 51 kg (112 lbs)
Licensed 115.01.27 (28)
PIE Inc..png
Praetorian Auxiliary Force
Amarr Empire.jpg
Amarr Empire

Samira Kernher (born December 8, YC87) is a Sebiestor capsuleer and former slave who has chosen to remain loyal to the Amarr Empire. Her choice to stay in the Empire despite being released from slavery has resulted in both praise from Amarr, who believe that Kernher is an example of successful Reclaiming, and derision from Minmatar, who consider Kernher a traitor unworthy of the marks she used to wear.

Early Life, 87-107

Childhood and Education

Kernher was born in servitude to the Casern Family on the planet of Thebeka III, at the edge of the Ardishapur half of the Domain region of the Amarr Empire. Though not a true oceanic planet, Thebeka III had only very few land masses with the majority clumped together at the poles. Kernher and her family lived in the slave district of Nauon in the city of Sertene on the continent of Casern. Casern was situated at the equator and so was known for very warm temperatures.

Kernher and her family were owned by Lord Eyron Casern, the Holder of Casern, but for all practical purposes they belonged to Lord Casern's niece and the Custodian of Sertene, Aara Casern, by Custodial Servitude Contract. Kernher's father, Ansar, worked as head technician for Aara and had previously been in Lord Casern's maintenance staff. Kernher's mother, Ranaa, was an accounting manager for the Holder of Thebeka, and had met Ansar during business conferences between their masters. Ranaa was bought by Lord Casern after asking for permission from the two nobles to marry Ansar.

Thebeka III, with Casern centered.

Kernher was the youngest of three children, born shortly after her family had been contracted to Aara. Kernher had a positive relationship with her siblings, but she regularly butted heads with her brother, Mikal. Mikal, who strongly opposed the slavery of the Minmatar, did not understand how his younger sister could be taken in so fully by the Amarr faith. Mikal argued that they should take pride in their heritage, but Kernher came to despise that heritage.

Kernher was allowed relative freedom for her first seven years, though she was given extensive education from both slave and Amarr lecturers. These lessons established fundamental principles that Kernher would carry for the rest of her life, and included traditional religious education and training in proper manners and etiquette. Foremost among the lessons that Kernher received was that the Amarr were God's Chosen, blessed with bringing his message to the rest of the universe. Very little information was provided of the world outside of Ardishapur space during these lessons, and even less about the world beyond the Empire's borders. It would not be until many years later that Kernher would begin to learn that the societies beyond the Empire were anything more than primitive faithless in need of guidance.

As a child, Kernher had something of a wild streak that was encouraged by her siblings. Though she paid attention during her lessons, she had a habit of wandering when she wasn't watched, and toying with objects that weren't hers. She was routinely disciplined for these transgressions, though this only encouraged her to better hide her activities.

The high status of Kernher's parents--11th generation and favored--provided her and her siblings better opportunities than many other slaves in the Empire. While Kernher did work as a domestic servant at Aara's estate in the early evenings and weekends, she was also enrolled in an Amarrian school to continue her education into her teenage years. Despite the good prospects for her future, Kernher had a difficult time in the school. As a Minmatar and a slave she was a focal point for discrimination by some of the other students, all of whom came from commoner families and some with worse fortunes than Kernher's relatively pampered upbringing. This had a formative effect on her personality and resulted in Kernher shutting herself inside instead of retaliating against the bullying. Validated by her religious education, she ended up internalizing the attacks.

Kernher's brother, meanwhile, took a more hostile response and was suspended from school on several occasions. After a particularly violent encounter with another student he was flogged and dismissed entirely, contracted out instead as an apprentice to a construction company in the city. Only Kernher and her sister actually managed to finish school, though Aaminah performed much better as Kernher frequently skipped school to avoid bullying.

Kernher found few friends during her time at the school. She fell in mostly with other slave children and the odd commoner willing to associate with them. Few of these relations persisted past graduation, and none remained by the time Kernher's family moved to the Republic.

Higher Education and Emancipation

Kernher was sent to higher education at a college in the city of Dabara shortly after finishing her primary schooling. She was temporarily contracted to Morad Casern, a cousin of Aara and the Custodian of Dabara, for the duration of her stay, and she lived in a dormitory in the city's slave district. Kernher preferred to focus on natural sciences when she was given options on courses, though she had little choice as to her general degree. Similar to her time in primary schooling, Kernher was given custodial work during the majority of her free hours. Her place of work was an office owned by Morad. Morad took an interest in Kernher, who had developed into an attractive young woman by this time, but his religious beliefs regarding class and ethnic separation convinced him to suppress his desires. He did, however, endeavor to treat Kernher well and gave her many free hours to study along with a gold-coated personal datapad as a gift. Kernher ended up becoming enamored with Morad and even longed for his intimacy, though it never came. The datapad she came to treasure, and she took it with her wherever she went.

Emperor Heideran VII passed away in YC105 from his long battle with Turit disease, triggering sorrow across the Empire. Kernher had attended several local vigils held by slave clergy of the Salvation Church of Blessed Servitude when news had spread of Heideran's falling health, and she set up a small memorial in her dormitory after his death. During the Succession Trials in the next few weeks, Kernher expressed support for Heir Idonis Ardishapur and was saddened by his loss and subsequent ritual suicide.

Kernher was pushed through an accelerated two year school-to-work program at Dabara College that ended with an apprenticeship at a thermoionic desalination plant owned by the Casern Family. The plant was one of many in Thebeka's water industry, which worked to provide potable water to many worlds and stations within Domain and the greater Amarr Empire.

Kernher would have little time to actually work at the plant, however, as her family was released shortly after her graduation. In the pattern of Emperor Doriam II's slave emancipations, and in recognition of their long generations of service, Lord Casern was encouraged to free the Kernher bloodline. He was strongly opposed on this by Aara, who argued that she had put a significant investment into the Kernher children's educations which would not be returned if they were released. She demanded compensation or a delay of the emancipation until they had made up the cost. Morad, due to his affections for Kernher, eventually settled the dispute himself by paying the education expenses out of his own pocket.

The release came as a surprise to the children, though Ansar and Ranaa had been hearing plans for it for some time before. The two had been considering moving out of the Empire, reasoning that they would have an easier time starting fresh somewhere where they were not discriminated against. They had initially considered moving to the Federation, where they believed they had some relatives already, but Mikal made a strong argument for moving to the Republic. Samira alone expressed a desire to stay in the Empire, believing moving to be both frightening and sinful, though Aaminah took her side out of sympathy.

The decision was made for the Kernhers in early June of YC107. After Omir Sarikusa's Blood Raiders released an Insorum prototype over Mabnen I and triggered a slave uprising, riots broke out across the Empire as Amarr mobs took out their fear on slave districts. Though Sertene-Nauon was largely unaffected by the rioting due to Thebeka being a deep core world and one where Vitoc was only rarely used, the panic helped Mikal convince his parents that the family would be better off in the Republic.

Settling in the Minmatar Republic, 107-115

Immigration Difficulties

Kernher's family used what little funds they had to purchase a one-way ticket to the Republic. They were unable to afford passage deep into the Republic borders and so were forced to settle on the Brutor Tribe Treasury station orbiting the sixth planet in the Rens system, a popular trade hub that was only two jumps away from the Republic's border with the Ammatar Mandate. And though it would not reach its peak capacity until after Jamyl Sarum's slave emancipation decree, the system's proximity to Amarrian space made it already a popular refugee port and it regularly took in immigrants and freed slaves (legal or otherwise) from the Empire and the Mandate.

Once arriving, the Kernhers were processed at a RJD office and given citizenship cards. Republic law dictated that any former slave who entered Minmatar space would be granted automatic citizenship, though this basic citizenship meant little as it lacked the tribal membership that actually cemented an individual's place in the Republic. Without tribal membership the Kernhers lacked access to all but the most limited civil services. They were however given basic food and shelter at a Sebiestor tribal dormitory after registering with the local Sebiestor Tribe Center. They were also given free naturalization courses, which included tutoring in Modern Standard Matari, Sebiestor spirituality, Matari culture, and basic education for slaves who had received little, so that they would be able to pass the rites required to earn their Voluvals and full tribal membership.

Mikal Kernher, Samira's brother.

The tribal dormitory, located in one of the station's Rust quarters, was small and afforded Kernher and her family little personal privacy. They were provided a one-room tenement, one of dozens of similarly-sized rooms on their floor. The poor living conditions, worse than their small apartment in Sertene-Nauon, quickly lead to domestic disputes. Kernher and her brother argued frequently, as Kernher blamed him for forcing the family to leave the Empire for their current situation. Their parents tried to calm the feuding siblings, noting that the family would be living in just as poor conditions in the Empire as they would have been forced to start paying bills to the Casern Family to continue living in their old Nauon home. So stressful was this period that the assassination of Doriam II, which took place not a month after Kernher and her family had arrived in the Republic, was hardly ever mentioned. Kernher even ceased attending to her daily prayers after a few months, a practice she would not again pick up until moving back to the Empire eight years later.

Kernher found her biggest difficulties outside the home, however. Her continued adherence to the Amarr faith resulted in stigma from other Minmatar in the dormitory and naturalization program. Other freed slaves were especially hostile, as many had served in difficult labor jobs like mining and despised the Amarr. The golden datapad that Morad had given Kernher while she was attending Dabara College proved to be especially provocative, as it blatantly expressed her affiliation through its embroidered Imperial Seal. Some people simply asked that she leave it at home, telling her that it was disrespectful for her to carry it around with her. Others called her an Amarr-lover and spread rumors that she had been favored by her masters for providing them with carnal services. This antagonism came to a head when Kernher asked to have the datapad blessed as her talisman by a shaman, a part of the Sebiestor spiritual traditions associated with earning tribal membership. Her request was refused and she was told to pick a more "culturally-sensitive" item. This prompted a group of former slaves to later take the datapad from Kernher and smash it while tormenting her for her loyalty to the Amarr.

Kernher gave up on achieving tribal membership after this. She broke several pieces of furniture at home in a bitter outburst following the incident, which deeply upset her brother. Though Mikal did not agree with Samira's views about Amarr, he was disgusted at the treatment that his younger sister was receiving from the other Minmatar. He went on to find and pick fights with some of the people responsible, and was able to convince some to write out apologies. The violence earned him several days in prison, but he considered it a badge of honor for making a stand against what he believed to be the very same bigotry the Minmatar were trying to escape from in the first place.

Becoming Minmatar


Republic University


Pod Pilot, 115-present

PIE Career



Kernher often wears concealing outfits.

Kernher is visibly from a warmer climate, with dark skin and eyes. Her wavy black hair is sometimes described as a mess; it is thick and coarse and comes down to just past her shoulders with some individual strands snaking off independently from the rest. Kernher usually keeps her hair loose, though she occasionally will tuck back her locks behind her somewhat large ears.

Kernher is pretty, though her curves are possibly better described as bony rather than slender. Her scrawny and sunken features give her somewhat prominent cheekbones and brow, and what little fat she has only thinly covers her hipbones, which can be seen poking out at her waist. She once had some lean muscle in her, toned from years of custodial work as a slave and later from the physical demands of capsuleer training, though recent years of inactivity has atrophied these muscles.

Kernher has small, almond-shaped eyes, framed above by thick sloping eyebrows and below by dark circles. Her eyelids slouch down over her eyes which, along with frowny lips, contributes to giving her a weary appearance despite her youth. Between Kernher's eyes sits a thin round nose, which tilts upwards at the tip.

Kernher speaks with an Amarrian dialect. She has a soft voice which is rarely raised in public.

Kernher's hands are noticeably scarred across the palm, as if they were cut deeply and then left to heal without stitches.


Kernher's voluval mark.

Kernher received Minmatar cultural tattoos during her time living in the Republic, though she later removed these upon returning to the Empire in deference to the ban on Matari tattoos. The tattoos that she formerly possessed were the Voluval and Naming Tattoo, which marked her as a member of the Sebiestor Tribe.

Kernher's Voluval appeared on her back in the shape of an arch or n. The shape and location reportedly symbolized a life path and the rejection of it. When viewed positively it could be seen as the closing of a door to a past life in order to embrace a new beginning, but a negative interpretation could view it as a stubborn refusal to accept change. Kernher's known devotion to the Amarr and the Amarrian religion lead to a negative intrepretation of her Voluval by many in her clan, and Kernher would later claim that it was this message that convinced her to leave the Republic.

Though Kernher had both of these tattoos removed after returning to the Empire, she has unintentionally recovered them after her most recent cloning.


Kernher has a meek and ingratiating presence, developed over her youth while she was a slave to the Amarr. This is not to say that Kernher does not have opinions of her own, but she makes an effort to quash her emotions to avoid making enemies or upsetting her betters. Her experiences being bullied and demeaned have taught her to withdraw inside herself, and she has a very negative self-image. This has caused her to develop a dependent personality, and she is characterized by her service-oriented demeanor. This made her an appreciated slave but has limited her ability to function independently since being released. She fears taking responsibility for herself and is poor at making positive decisions when left on her own. She desires above all else to be needed and fill a purpose, both in the practical sense and on a universal scale in service to a higher cause like the Amarr faith.

In public discourse, Kernher comes across as pleasant but quiet. She has indelible manners and rarely raises her voice, and she places high value on propriety in herself and others. This can make her detached in conversation and she struggles with small-talk, preferring to only listen and leave the spotlight to those more socially capable than she is. In private with friends and family though, Kernher's tendency towards dogmatic beliefs can make her demanding, judgmental, and spiteful, primed to point out flaws and mistakes. She gives herself even less leeway than she gives others, as she has internalized the Amarrian contempt of her Minmatar heritage, and this severe self-loathing and general negativity has damaged many of her closer relationships.

Kernher's gentility can make her awkward around men, to whom she may be attracted to but unwilling to voice her interest for fear of seeming too forward. She often harbors deep crushes which are rarely realized beyond evasive leering and flustered stuttering.

Kernher is well-educated and thoughtful, though she is not very wise and sometimes lacks the presence of mind to think things through. This combination of curiosity and poor impulse control results in her being something of an eavesdropper, and she has gotten in trouble on numerous occasions for trespassing and spying.

Like many Sebiestor, Kernher is known for having an explosive temper, though it is rarely seen. She buries her emotions deep down, attempting to repress them utterly, but this only causes them to build and build until something finally upsets her enough to trigger their release. Kernher has been directly witnessed screaming at other capsuleers on the Summit communication relay, and her neighbors have reported sounds of breaking furniture during her aggressive episodes.






Kernher has regularly expressed a severe hatred of cloning, first noted in an academic essay she wrote on the subject while attending Republic University's capsuleer program. In that essay Kernher remarked on the fallacy of defining hard cloning as a transfer of consciousness, though her paper received a poor grade from her Minmatar instructors for citing Amarrian Scripture as a scientific source. Since becoming a capsuleer, Kernher has become noticeably more hostile on the subject of cloning and she has frequently claimed it to be the most abominable invention in recent history. She believes that it drives capsuleers to throw away their lives, and the lives of their crew, on frivolous, destructive, greedy, and suicidal endeavors such as the Empyrean War, which is often referred to as the Pendulum War for its tendency to swing control back and forth with no meaningful or lasting conclusion.

Kernher's own existence as a clone has been observed to be a source of great discomfort, with her frequently claiming that the real Samira Kernher died the day her capsule was destroyed and that the person she is now is a soulless abomination. This belief has its roots in her Amarrian faith, where many adherents view clones as nothing more than empty shells.

Political Positions

Kernher's position on Imperial political affairs resides within the conservative and orthodox blocs, falling somewhere between Ardishapur and Sarum ideals. Officially Kernher maintains documented fealty towards the Ardishapur Family and she has backed the Family in its efforts for the Imperial Throne. She supported Idonis Ardishapur after the death of Emperor Heideran VII and frequently voiced her hope that Yonis Ardishapur would succeed the assassinated Emperor Doriam II during the reign of Chamberlain Dochuta Karsoth. Following Yonis Ardishapur's various social welfare programs in Ardishapur and Ammatar territories, Kernher seems to have developed a great affection towards the Heir that goes beyond that of regular political support.

Having grown up under slavery, Kernher possesses strong opinions in regards to the treatment of indentured servants in the Empire and abroad. Her outlook on slavery is considered orthodox; she believes that as an institution slavery can only work when it is built on a spiritual foundation that allows for the recognition of the base dignity of human beings as creatures of God. Kernher considers any slave enterprise that operates solely on economic or exploitative principles to greatly immoral, such as foreign slave rings, Sansha's Nation, Blood Raiders, and mismanaged Holdings. She is especially opposed to breeding farms, the Human Endurance Program, and any form of slave sacrifice. Though believing in the basic dignity of slaves, Kernher does not share liberal ideals of single-generation-only enslavement or refusing harsh punishment, and maintains that personal salvation, not personal emancipation, should be the ultimate life goal for the average slave. While the two are related, Kernher says, they are not tied to the other; emancipation happens most often at the family line, not the individual, and a slave should not believe that just because they are kept in chains that they cannot achieve personal salvation in their own life through loyal service. Kernher advocates traditional punishments for transgressions, such as revoking of benefits, Glaive-collars, isolation, and physical punishment, which she considers necessary for promoting good behavior. She has been uncharacteristically vocal about her disapproval of both transcranial microcontrollers and vitoxin, which she believes deny the fundamental spiritual component of Amarrian slavery, and she has expressed great pride in the fact that Ardishapur territories have banned TCMCs on a widescale.

Kernher divides sharply from Ardishapur politics in her support of Empress Jamyl I. Kernher has regularly rejected the theory that the Empress is a clone, despite the lack of proof of divine resurrection, though it is unclear whether this is due to true faith or simply an unwillingness to express any form of opposition to the Imperial Throne. Jamyl's Emancipation Decree of 9th generation slaves and above solidified Kernher's support of the Empress.

Kernher favors the existing hierarchical collectivism of the Empire and as a general principle opposes most bottom-up civil disobedience or other forms of social unrest. This lead her to express support for Tibus Heth's Provist regime in the recent uprising in the Caldari State, and she spoke out against her friend Pieter Tuulinen when he engaged Kaalakiota Home Guard vessels despite that they had opened fire on a protesting civilian transport. She has also on rare occasion made disparaging remarks against the Khanid Kingdom due to the events surrounding King Khanid II's refusal to commit Shathol'Syn and the subsequent violent secession of his territory from the greater Amarr Empire, which she considers a grave heresy.


Awards and Decorations

PIE military decorations
Sog ribbon.png Sword of God
Tap ribbon.png Admiral's Prize
PIE Service Medals
24ic camp ribbon.png 24th Imperial Crusade Campaign Medal
File:1ys ribbon.png One Year Service Medal