Max Singularity (Character)

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Name Max Singularity
Gender Male
Race Amarr
Bloodline True Amarr

Harbinger of Faith

In a hasty proclamation in YC116 Jamyl Sarum, as the self proclaimed 'Harbinger of Hope', decreed that Maximilian Singularity be christened as the Amarr 'Harbinger of Faith' which was later conferred by the Theology Council in approval. Soon thereafter a ground swell from the public via the subspace channel 'Book of Faces' pronounced Singularity as the Pope of New Eden so as his speeches inspired people from all four Empires.

Symposium of Emergent Threats

In YC117, Singularity made several public appearances and also gave a presentation regarding fact and fiction. On day one of the symposium Singularity wore his Amarr High Admiral's uniform and upon his left arm he carried with him a Crapling (a juvenile male Fedo) to which many had never seen the details of such a creature.

Dev Blog: I Take Off My Robe And Wizard Hat - Fanfest 2015 Cosplay Results [1]

On day 2 of the symposium, a grand celestial event occurred and Singularity came to the seekers wearing his finest Pontiff Robes. Accompanied by his newly appointed Cardinals, Singularity made a bold announcement during one of the meeting's roundtables that Jamyl Sarum's leadership of the Amarr Empire has lead the Amarrian People to greater danger and conflict than ever before. Her leadership has outcasted many Capsuleers in her disdain, and a pal of 'tainted poison' lies over the Golden Grand Empire. Alluding to being backed by the Theology Council, Singularity called for the Amarr Holders (specifically called for by his family ties of representatives of Kador and Tash-Murkon) to audit the Emperor Family Holdings and find a solution to the 'Sarum Issue'. Singularity used legal language that was as close as one could get to laying the foundation of a lawful insurrection in the Empire.

Later that evening, Singularity appeared at a charity dinner for that planet's Children's Hospital where he met several dignitaries, statesmen, criminals, and representatives from the non-aligned independent Capsuleer factions of low and null space. Singularity addressed the attendees and stated that due to the Profit, Cardinal Hilmar, declarations that "There shall be no Manifest Destiny, and less talk, more action" that Singularity announce his realization that this time, this day shall forever end the Reclamations, and that this day shall mark the beginning of "The Age of Redemption" for all of New Eden.

After these announcements, the most shocking halo image to be broadcasted cluster wide was when 'The Mittani' kneeled down and kissed Singularity's Papel Ring. From a respectful bended knee The Mittani told Singularity of his military plans to spread Singularity vision of redemption to the Amarrian Empire, and base these operations shall be from Providence Region, the traditional home of independent Amarr Capsuleers, and traditional sanctuary for the "Not Red Don't Shoot (NRDS)" null security policy. Singularity was now faced with not just volatile political insurrection to Sarum's reign, but now the rising possibility of an Armed conflict as well. Admiring the boldness of such a display of respect and total disregard for possible consequences Singularity saw incarnate the manifestation of redemption of this man, and conferred upon The Mittani the title 'Sword of Redemption' (this may have been done as a political slight to Sarum's self-titled 'Sword of the Righteous").

Day 3 of the symposium left Singularity in deep thought and contemplation. Singularity emerged from his compound to the symposium dressed in his Golden Amarrian Ordinate-Monk Robes of the Theology Council. By request of the growing movement, he posed for halo image blessings with fellow Capsuleers, Politicians, Erotic Dancers, and CC-Keepers of the Universe. At the closing ceremony, a three story image of Singularity was projected upon the large screen with people in the audience shouting, "All hail the Harbinger of Faith" and "Amarr Victor". Singularity left the symposium exhausted and physically sore as he had not expected such a reception for a man of his age, even as a Capsuleer.

In his final address to the attendees, Max Singularity announced that the Age of Redemption will be marked my the rise of the Sixth Empire, a new Empire made of the new second species of humankind, the Capsuleers. He stated that there is no need to stand united ever, nor would the Capsuleers ever need to agree, because their strength is forged by their adversity. He said that our responsibly is to bring peace to those mortals that gave birth to the Capsuleers in their home Empires, but that peace shall only be reserved for them. He spoke of disdain that the Empire Governments of the State, Federation, Republic and Empire were respectively greedy, deprived, infighting, and corrupt. Singularity announced a prophecy that Caroline's Star and the coming of the Drifters is a challenge that shall bring a new war, that has never been seen before. Finally, he said, "The Sixth Empire, will follow a storm, for it is our duty to fight for resources and power. It is the journey, not the destination. Be bold pilots."

In the weeks following the symposium, the public gave Max Singularity the new name of 'Maximilian Singularity of the Sixth Empire'. The first of this name.

YouTube: The Meta Show with Laz, Nystrik and The Mittani [2]

About Max Singularity

Max Singularity is a minor Amarr Holder and the acting Head Chair of House Singularity pending the passing of Phillip Singularity (Tash-Murkon Father) and Rainier Singularity (Kador Mother).

Recently Max has made headline news as the decreed Amarr 'Harbinger of Faith' and public appointed Pope of New Eden.

Previously Max is no stranger to fame as he created a tabloid frenzy during his House Chair Ascendance press conference when he not only announced his new position, but surprised the media and public with the announcement that the Amarr Empire and his House leadership under his father had suppressed the existence of his daughter and the existence of an Amarr/Caldari bastard brother.

As a High Admiral of the Kador Fleet, Max retired from his position when Jamyl Sarum forced the merger of the Kador Fleet into the 7th Fleet. Although privately Max objected to the merger, publicly he retired with the stated goal that he wished to help coordinate the Lai Dai/Carthum Conglomerate project and retired with honors.

Max was instrumental with the team coordinating the assistance of the Caldari Lai Dai mega corporation to create the Amarr Carthum Conglomerate (in which he gained Sarum Family personal favor that may have resulted in Singularity's increased holdings and subsequent title of 'Harbinger of Faith').

Family Members: Wife

Amaya Singularity, was killed during a rescue of their only daughter Kira Singularity by Minmatar Special Forces. The death of Amaya was graphically depicted in the popular movie, "Know No Bounds" when her Apocalypse was destroyed, and subsequintly when her pod was destroyed by a Minmatar Cheetah. A message from the Medical bay notified Max that Amaya's body had failed the clone transfer and she was truly dead. Realizing that his daughter was killed in the ship explosion, and now his wife in the clone transfer, an emotional rage spike caused the now famous "Anomaly Incident".

Family Members: Daughter

Kira Singularity is the only daughter of Max Singularity and Amaya Singularity. Kira Singularity was kidnapped by Minmatar Special Forces as a newborn infant while Max and Amaya were remotely deployed in military operations to re-liberate Amarr worlds taken by the Minmatar resurgence. Due to pressures from the Amarr Emperor Family House, Amaya's pregnancy and Kira's birth was kept from the ever hounding media and public because it was felt there would be issues with the Singularity's involved in actual battle. The Empire's worst nightmare came true when Kira was kidnapped by Minmatar Operatives from a family compound on a protected Amarr Station near the battlefront. The Empire vowed all support to the popular House Singularity to recover Kira from the Minmatar. Six years later, a loyal Amatarr Counter Agent within the Republic Fleet had found Kira. A joint operation between the Imperial Navy, Navy Surveillance, and Internal Security launched a major operation to rescue Kira. There are no battle detail details how Amaya Singularity took custody of Kira from the Minmatar, but in their escape, her Navy Issue Apocalypse was scrammed and destroyed. Amaya Singularity died when her Pod was destroyed and subsecquint clone transfer failed. Kira was found barley alive contained within a failing piece of wreckage of the Apocalypse.

Family Members: Brothers

Rock Singularity, True Amarr heritage in line of succession of House Singularity Chair as younger second prime.

Paradoz Singularity, Amarr/Caldari heritage born from Phillip Singularity to a Caldarian mistress, Celeste Seven. Paradoz is not considered into any line of succession to House Chair.

The "Anomaly Incident"

Max Singularity was flying a special House fitted Kador Abaddon and recieved the message from his wife Amaya that the mission to rescue their Daughter Kira had succeeded but her ship was tackled by a special forces fleet of Minmatar ships. Max responded from his alert spot in the system but arrived just as Amaya's Imperial Navy Apocalypse exploded. Max had targeted a Stabber during the battle and as it exploded, a Cheeta flew through the Stabber's fireball and destroyed Amaya's Pod.

A single message was received by Max. "TO: Max Singularity FROM: House Singularity Medical Services ALERT ALERT ALERT Amaya clone transfer failure. Technical difficulties."

When this message was received, it was the first time in recorded history that a Capsuleer had blacked out while pod-mounted. The result caused the entire Abaddon and all drones to go completely off line for 30 seconds dead in space. Although a ship black out has happened before, it has never been the result of a Capsuleer blacking out as the Pod always maintains a mental link through implants and augmentations.

This Anomaly Incident has baffled scientists and researchers and as a result Max was subjected to hundreds of tests and experiments to reproduce the conditions, but no results were obtained. The details of the incident fueled the romantic tragedy story that became popular tabloid headlines. The event also was the catalyst to the popular movie "Know No Bounds". Because of the movie, the black out incident was ridiculed as only a dramatic special effect for the movie, but the incident was real, yet still not understood.

The only part not accurately depicted in the movie was the exclusion of Kira as her existance was not acknowledged by the Amarr Empire and suppressed by Phillip Singularity as he set House policy.


Phillip Singularity and his wife Rainier Singularity are both infirm and presently tended to by House Singularity's medical services. Due to increasing difficulty of running the House affairs, Phillip Singularity, appointed his eldest son, Max Singularity to Acting Head House Chair, to be fully vested upon the Father's demise.

Max took his ascendance press conference as an opportunity to formerly acknowledge the existence of his daughter Kira Singularity who is now 22 years old, and was hidden from the press and the public as Kira Pigeon.

Also, according to Max, a special mission by his Mother Rainier Singularity was to expose his father's affair with a Caldari mistress where he sired a Son, Paradoz Singularity. Max announced that Paradoz will be recognized by House Singularity, but he will not be included in the succession line.

Media and the Public

Although House Singularity is of Royal linage, the House maintains its bloodline connection to the Amarr Royal line, but that connection is very distant to the Amarr Succession. This extreme distance has not deterred the Amarr (and many Caldari) people in following the families every detail. The mystery of the public focus is even more interesting because House Singularity is less notable then the other Great Houses.

Phillip Singularity was known to manipulate the press and create the public image the House has today. He was instrumental in popularizing Max's love for Amaya and how their combat adventures to liberate held Amarrian Systems, that led to the extremely popular move "Know No Bounds."

Upon Max Singularity's ascendance, his desire was to decrease the public's obsessive enamoration by bringing to light all the House secrets and coverups, of a secret daughter, and a exposing of his fathers infidelity. The result of the increased transparency had backfired and caused record sales in tabloids, newscasts and holoreels.

The public is transfixed upon Kira Singularity while she still remains elusive due in part by systems in place to keep her former identity secret.

Max is known to never smile in holo images possibly due to the trauma of losing his wife.