Structures and Human Whispers

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Photography by Zenariae Havraan

Derelicts and Space Junk

The beauty of junk and things degenerating is captivating, a frozen and decaying reminder of our true mortality and there is a lot of it hovering about in space, hazardous to any ship if it happens to pass within a whisker and potentially fatal flotsam to any crew unskilled in navigating its danger. The beauty of the discarded should not be forgotten, but it is an irony that people should suffer the same fate as rubbish. A strange and mysterious loveliness possesses the dusty structures now floating empty and silent that were once witness to forgotten times. What people dwelled in those abandoned halls and what became of their voices? I fear that we will also one day be as a silent memory, erased and still upon the cold void of limitless space, forgotten by all but the closest echoes of memory.

Starbases, Jumpgates, and other Habitations in Space
