Kalaratiri (Character)

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This article is considered in universe by the author, it is available to the general public. If you wish to contribute to this page, please refrain from making out-of-character (OOC) references.

Name Kalaratiri "Kala" Saskia
CONCORD ID Kalaratiri
Gender Female
Minmatar republic.jpg
Sebiestor tribe.jpg
Blood Type A+
Date of Birth 5.5.YC92
Place of Birth Snirveth, Onga V
Height 177cm (5'8")
Weight 53.3kg (121lbs)
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Licensed 6.9.YC112
Occupation Combat Pilot
Specialization Theorycrafter
Education Republic University
Corporation Nobody in Local
Angel Cartel.png
Angel Cartel
Tattoos Naming mark, Voluval, Cartel ranking
Piercings Ears and lip

Clan History and Early Life

Kalaratiri Saskia was born in her parent’s house, surrounded by her clan. Her family home is situated in the area of land between Onga V’s Isefur Mountains and the inland Sea of Marer. This strip of land has become widely referred to as “The Gold Belt”, or just “The Gold”, although its actual name, Snirveth, is still in use in most official documentation. The southern Isefurs are a relatively short, low lying part of a range that spans a quarter of the planet, yet they dominate the area between the Seas of Marer in the east, and Sotrolka to the west. The volcanic mountains provide enough shelter for the land between the foothills and the Sea of Marer for the weather to be largely fair, while the remains of the ancient eruptions offer immensely fertile ground. This makes the area particularly attractive for farming, even amongst the primarily agricultural society of the planet

The Saskia clan first came to The Gold in the earliest days of the Republic, emigrating from the southern, more temperate regions of Mikramurka to the newly settled world. The repeated Amarrian raids on Matar had caused a great deal of disruption to the Saskia clan’s traditional structure, forcing separate wings of the clan great distances apart from each other. These groups, often family units, grew into sub-clans, or clan-families, with their own traditions rapidly developing through their constant migration around Matar. With the onset of the Rebellion, and the formation of the Minmatar Republic, the disparate Saskia began to converge on their Mikramurka homelands once again. The Clan Chief, Joar Saskia made the decision to move the clans off-world; a fresh start in a new home.

The huge extended families that made up the Saskia Clan, expanded through centuries of intermixing with Clans from all across Matar, spread out across Onga V. The early Republic, supported heavily by the Gallente Federation, offered enormous incentives for those willing to work in agriculture; feeding the billions of freed slaves was almost immediately a major priority. Taking advantage of this, the usable land was divided up amongst the clan-families, with Kala’s family branch being allocated a hundred square kilometers or so slightly west of the center of The Gold. The extremely pleasant climate of Onga V, coupled with the particularly fertile ground and the clan’s excellent understanding of automation technologies, allowed for the fledgling farming complex to become productive within a remarkably short time, hitting the Republic’s desired output targets in just two years.

The Snirveth region of Onga V

This initial success turned Kala’s ancestors into one of the more influential clan-families in the southern-hemisphere. This financial boost allowed for the building of an impressive living complex, with plenty of space for future expansion as the clan grew. This complex, made up of a series of living quarters, storage sheds and barns, and various other useful structures, centered around a large family meeting and dining hall would remain the hub of Kala’s clan-family up to the modern day.

The Saskia Clan's internal structure

Kalaratiri’s Clan in the modern day are the majority landholders across the entire surface of Onga V, with sub-clans and families having spread across the continents with considerable enthusiasm. Onga V is a rocky world, with no major oceans. Instead, the continents are divided by a heavy scattering of large “in-land” seas, some of which extend for thousands of miles. On the other extreme, vast mountain ranges and high plateaus dominate many of the landmasses, leaving them largely unsuitable for the agricultural purposes on which the planet thrives. This leaves the land which is available (still over 70% of the total land area, of which a full 60% is agricultural land) to be divided between agriculture and habitation.

In the major population centers it is still relatively rare to find someone who is a true outsider to the Saskia clan, most inhabitants are either born or married into the clan. This social domination of a world so close to the heart of the Republic is an unusual, but not entirely unexpected, quirk of the automated agricultural industry. Despite the large amount of inhabitable land, the urgency of the Republic’s food requirements have left most of the surface uninhabited, and the total population of the planet barely reaching tens of thousands.

Kalaratiri herself was born into the fifth generation of Saskia on Onga V, as the fourth child of five (three older brothers, and a younger sister). Her parents, like many of the Clan, are trained mechanics, who’s role on “The Farm”, (as it is known to the inhabitants), is primarily the maintenance of the automated agri-drones. These drones are the lifeblood of the Clan’s industry, and patrol vast areas of the crop fields both more quickly and efficiently than any human could manage. Like many Sebiestor, Kala found a natural affinity with mechanics and electricals, and was quickly encouraged to take an active role in learning her parent’s craft.


Like all Minmatar, Kalaratiri underwent the Voluval when she came of age. In her Clan, this ceremony takes place at the age of 15, after which the participants are welcomed as adult members of Clan society. The Voluval ritual of the Saskia clans is accompanied by a "test", intended to measure the young adult's resourcefulness, intelligence, and both mental and physical resilience. At the same time, the test is not intended to be so difficult that it becomes genuinely dangerous. For Kalaratiri, this test involved finding her way home, unaided, after being dropped in the foothills of the Isefurs, a distance of some 130km. She managed to complete this challenge in just under four days, arriving home exhausted and near dehydration.

The Voluval ceremony itself is much the same for the Saskia Clans as anywhere else in the Republic; administered by the Clan shaman and possessing the potential to majorly shape the recipient's life. Kalaratiri's Voluval appeared as "The Leaping Fish", thought to signify a life spent striving for things out of reach.

Capsuleer Life: The Early Years

Coming from a relatively wealthy family, Kalaratiri and her siblings were marked for Capsule Compatibility Testing. Her knack for tinkering with mechanics only improved her potential. Less than a decade after the introduction of Capsule technology to the Republic, the University programs were still desperate to take any compatible student they could find, and upon the discovery of her genetic match in YC108, Kalaratiri was offered a place to study and prepare for Capsuleer training at the Republic University at the age of sixteen. Four years later, in YC112, she would graduate and take up her new place among the stars.

A month after joining the ranks of the Empyrean pilots, Kalaratiri would find her way to Gradient [GRD], a Minmatar Republic loyalist corporation, who would shape her path for years to come. In Gradient Kala would meet many Republic loyal capsuleers who would have a profound effect on the young woman. Chief among them, Elsebeth of Clan Rhiannon, and Avlynka (Ava) of Clan Surionen.

Ava brought out in Kalaratiri her bloodthirst, guiding her in the earliest days of her career as a combat pilot. This teaching would see her in good stead as the reborn Sansha's Nation began their raids across Republic space, and further afield. After the fire and confusion of the raids began to dim, Ava would turn Kalaratiri's attention to the Warzone. Elsebeth, however, had a rather different influence over Kalaratiri's path. As Kalaratiri began to encounter capsuleers from a wide variety of backgrounds and loyalties, notably Vincent Pryce and Literia Khammael of the Angel Cartel, Elsebeth's stern moral compass would become something Kalaratiri railed against. Elsebeth's declaration of "Good riddance, Angel", when Kalaratiri discussed the potential of leaving Gradient would be a sentiment that stayed with Kala for many years to come.

After Gradient, Kalaratiri moved on to a brief stay in the Tribal Liberation Force, before jointly creating the loyalist corporation Teraa Matar with Ava and another Sebiestor named Kikia Truzhari. This corporation would be Kalaratiri's first experience of managing both other capsuleers and a relationship, with Kikia. This ended explosively some months later, resulting in both Kalaratiri and Ava splitting off to create their own corporation, Skadi's Call. Kalaratiri also spent several months in the Khanid Kingdom at this time, as a guest of Morwen Lagann and Repentance Tyrathlion. Skadi's Call left the warzone for a brief stint with Ishukone loyalist alliance Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive [I-RED], where Kala would get her first taste of Caldari corporate culture.

Ava’s retirement planetside to Matar (albeit temporarily) in YC114 left Kalaratiri adrift. The two women had been inseparable for almost three years, and the shock of losing her wing-mate and partner would send Kala into a two year long hiatus from active capsuleer life, most of which was spent under the banner of the Minmatar corporation Lutinari Syndicate, home of noted Molden Heath and Great Wildlands roaming FC, Altaen. What she did during this period is not entirely clear, but upon her return she had markedly changed.

The Angel Cartel and a Career of Violence

In YC116, Kalaratiri returned to active piloting. She accepted an invitation from Vincent Pryce to join the infamous Angel Cartel loyalist corporation Utopian Research I.E.L [URIEL]. From this moment onwards her loyalties have seemed to be entirely focused on the Cartel, initially the branch known as the Guardian Angels. With [URIEL] and under the tutelage of 'Minmatar Assassin', a known Cartel pirate, Kalaratiri fully embraced the more relaxed ROE her new allegiances allowed.

The Guardian Angels of the Cartel

Indeed, Kalaratiri stayed on at [URIEL] and continued her budding career in piracy for several months after her mentor Vincent Pryce moved on to the newly growing Pyre Falcon Defence and Security, a Caldari mercenary group operating under the Imperial Outlaws. alliance of the Amarr Militia. Kalaratiri would eventually join the newly titled Domination Pryce in [PY-RE], and here her initiation into the Cartel was finalised. [PY-RE] would be Kalaratiri's home for almost a full year, until the latter months of YC117. The friends she made in this strange grouping, including Serpentis, Guristas, Sansha, Caldari, Amarrians, and even other Minmatar, would continue to be her closest allies for many years to come.

After leaving [PY-RE] Kalaratiri spent a few months with the pirate corporation Death By Design, of the Did He Say Jump? alliance, before moving to Curse and Scalding Pass with Mafia Redux at the beginning of YC118. [MFRX] had joined the alliance Feign Disorder, led by Kalaratiri's old ally Altaen. [FEIGN] were in the process of carving out much of Scalding Pass for themselves while basing from Curse and The Great Wildlands, and it was in their company that Kalaratiri received her first taste of living amongst the Cartel proper. She became a regular face at the planet IV Serpentis refinery station in HLW-HP, making several close connections with the local agents.

All good things come to an end however, and with [MFRX]'s decision to fold into the other corporations in [FEIGN] in mid-YC118, Kalaratiri looked elsewhere for her next employer. This search took her to high-class wormhole space, and the most powerful group within it, Hard Knocks Inc. Kalaratiri would live in [HRDKX]'s keepstar, Fort Knocks, for the next two years. Making excellent use of the wormhole highways to strike almost anywhere without warning, [HRDKX] taught Kalaratiri a great deal about successfully living and hunting in some of the most hostile environments available to a pilot.

However, this period of Anoikis living did not lessen Kalaratiri's dedication to the Cartel, with one memorable occurrence seeing her leading a [HRDKX] Sleipnir fleet to defend a Serpentis allied Raitaru in the Intaki system, a battle that resulted in the destruction of a [BRAVE] Ragnarok. It was during her time in [HRDKX] that Kalaratiri also got her first taste of flying competitively as a member of [HRDKX]'s Alliance Tournament team, earning herself a Serpentis Victory SKIN which she wears proudly any time she gets the chance.

By the middle of YC120 Kalaratiri was once again feeling the wanderlust that had defined her career and decided to return to Curse, this time alone. Forming the corporation The Eerie [-NEST], Kalaratiri made her home in the Guardian Angel station in RA-NXN, next door to her old haunt HLW-HP. Here she deepened her relationship with both the Guardian Angels and Archangels, even receiving the occasional nod from a Dominations agent. Occasionally joined by her old mentor Vincent Pryce, she would regularly tour the Guardian's stations in Curse. Kalaratiri became a familiar face to many of the inhabitants of these stations, with her visits particularly anticipated by the Cartel born children whom she would entertain with stories of the space beyond their bulkheads. During this period Kalaratiri became well integrated into Cartel society, performing tasks for her superior, Domination Pryce, and even learning the Cartel's peculiar language.

Kalaratiri joined her mentor in the latter months of YC120 in the corporation Project Valhalla [07NBD], a member of The Initiative [INIT]. Arriving just in time to take part in the burning of the Northern regions, she would assist in one of the most destructive campaigns ever completed by capsuleer forces. However the lifestyle of the large nullsec coalitions did not suit her, and she would remain a member of [07NBD] for just three months. Despite this short period of time, these months were not without excitement. Kalaratiri’s wormhole scouting experience rose once again to prominence as she located a connection between [INIT]’s home region of Fountain and the Derelik system of Kenobanala. The hostile alliance Mercenary Coalition [MC.] would attempt to use this system as a mid-point for moving their supercapital fleets and an unlucky bounce, coupled with the immediate response from [INIT] and their allies in Snuffed Out [B B C], would see the day end with two more dead Titans under Kalaratiri’s belt, including the [MC.] alliance leader Seleene’s.

Rebellions and Unexpected Partnerships

After leaving [INIT], Kalaratiri once again formed her own corporation, Daeuuas [DAEV4], in the last few months of YC120. This would be Kalaratiri’s first time returning to high security space in over half a decade. She would find herself embroiled in the conflict surrounding the deathglow slave rebellions in the Kahah system of the Khanid Kingdom, somewhat surprisingly on the side of the Amarrian loyalist forces. In the battle in orbit of Kahah III, Kalaratiri both provided the ships for, and led the heavily outnumbered Amarrian defenders against the combined Minmatar fleet. Many of her old corp-mates from her time in [GRD] were amongst the Minmatar forces, including Elsebeth Rhiannon, who's words echoed across the local fluid router; "Kala you blood traitor bastard of a collaborator."

A month later, with Blood Raider deathglow induced slave rebellions once again breaking out, this time in the Thebeka system, Kalaratiri was again at the forefront. Anchoring a pair of Freeport aid stations staffed by Salvation Angel medical workers over the poles of Thebeka III, Kalaratiri was amongst the first to offer aid to the Amarrian bloc. However, despite her involvement in Kahah, this offer for help was rebuffed. This insult was turned to injury, as several Minmatar capsuleers allied with Caldari Militia groups declared war and attacked her citadels.

Incensed, Kalaratiri negotiated the decommissioning of these aid stations, only to use a "letter of the law" loophole to immediately anchor an Astrahus. At the same time, she began an aggressive recruitment drive, calling in favours from many of her old comrades from [PY-RE]. This group would become a deeply complicating influence in the rapidly escalating situation in orbit of Thebeka III.

During this several month long period of open warfare between capsuleer loyalist groups, Kalaratiri engaged in a "headhunting" campaign against notable capsuleers. She used the new Triglavian technology, in particular the Kikimora, to defeat capsuleers on both sides in single combat, including Elsebeth Rhiannon, Edward Adams (MantelGlobalIndustries,) and both Lunarisse Aspenstar and Maria Daphiti. Her attempts on the lives of Samira Kernher and Aldrith Shutaq were both foiled by evasive piloting on their parts.

It was in the midst of this campaign however, in the first month of YC121, that Kalaratiri displayed an unusual mercy, one that came as a great surprise to herself. After the destruction of Elsebeth Rhiannon's Hecate, Kalaratiri gained a confirmed target lock on the Sebiestor woman's capsule but did not fire, allowing Rhiannon to escape. This hesitation would have a profound effect on Kalaratiri in the months to follow.

With the Thebeka campaign drawing to a natural close after the destruction of Samira Kernher's Astrahus, a battle involving close to 170 capsuleers and more than a dozen corporations and alliances, Kalaratiri moved to Lamaa for a few months of casual piracy. The events of Thebeka weighing heavily on her mind, she would approach Elsebeth Rhiannon with a peace offering; over ninety thousand freed slaves rescued from illegal Amarrian slaving operations. Their conversations concluded with Kalaratiri joining SoE Roughriders [SOERR], and returning to Electus Matari and the Republic. Part affectionately, part mockingly titled "Little Angel", her loyalties remained a topic of considerable doubt amongst the Matari loyal capsuleers.

After several months of campaigning against Republic high-sec extortionists "Hogs Collective", Electus Matari were offered a position in the Winter Coalition alliance VINDICTIVE, which the EM leadership accepted. Moving many of their pilots to Unitas Nusquam Est [BJK10], Kalaratiri once again found herself in a large nullsec coalition. Lasting just a few months in this environment, Kalaratiri moved on to her next corporation, the wormhole raiding group SniggWaffe [NOMAD]. However, this would prove to be another short stay for Kalaratiri, as a few months after she joined the corporation migrated out of wormhole space with the major nullsec alliance Pandemic Horde as their destination. Rather than accompany them, Kalaratiri moved herself back to her old haunt of Lamaa in the Amarr/Minmatar warzone.

Back in familiar territory, she was quickly invited to a new corporation by an old acquaintance from the earliest days of her career, Michael Harari. The invitation led to her joining one of the most storied and infamous pirate corporations in New Eden, Genos Occidere, members of the HYDRA RELOADED alliance. Basing out of the HYDRA Keepstar in Amamake, Kalaratiri became a frequent face in the local skirmishes between opposing militias, usually shooting at both sides with an unambiguous glee. Somewhat unfortunately she realised that GENOS was not quite what it had once been, with only herself and Michael as active members. However the relatively relaxed pace of life in a small corporation suited her quite well for a time, until she was once again extended an invitation by an old friend.

Mayrin Hawke, an exceptional small gang pilot who Kalaratiri had flown with extensively during their time in PY-RE, had recently moved into the Amarr side of the warzone along with her corporation Nobody in Local [SA.FE], and alliance Of Sound Mind [SOUND]. This was a group Kalaratiri already had some experience with, having practiced against them extensively during her time on the Hard Knocks Inc alliance tournament team, and other numerous encounters in the depths of wormhole space. She quickly found a place amongst the tight knit group after joining in the spring of YC122 and has remained there ever since.


Kalaratiri's political allegiances have not always been clear, being driven as often by her fluctuating emotions as much as coherent ideology. As a general guide, through her career she began as loyal to the Republic, shifted to the Cartel, and has remained Cartel loyal ever since, but with distinct leanings towards either the Amarr Empire or Minmatar Republic depending on the events and people surrounding her.

Through her stay in [PY-RE] and all the way up to the Thebeka Crisis Kalaratiri leaned more favourably towards the Amarr Empire, despite her people's cultural history, due in large part to her friendship with the guest of Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque [SFRIM] and previous [PY-RE] member Aria Jenneth. Another member of [SFRIM] and also ex-[PY-RE] with strong links to Kalaratiri is Karmilla Pryce (neé Strife), wife of Domination Vincent Pryce. However, the rejection of her assistance in Thebeka by the Amarr bloc, and lack of aid offered when she was assaulted by Caldari Militia and Minmatar forces was taken as a very personal affront by Kalaratiri and her relationship with Amarrian capsuleers has soured considerably in the months since.

The Archangels of the Angel Cartel

During her stay in the Republic with [SOERR] in YC121 Kalaratiri became an outspoken opponent of the perceived political machinations of the Krusual Tribe, beginning with her suspicions around the reactivation of the Tronhadar Fortresses and the near simultaneous attack by Blood Raider forces on the Sebiestor city of Sundsele. These suspicions escalated into a full blown conspiracy theory concerning the Krusual, the Thukker, and various high ranking politicians including Maleatu Shakor himself. Kalaratiri's postings on this topic have been extremely divisive in the Minmatar capsuleer community with some decrying her as a Cartel agent intent on spreading discord amongst the Tribes, others labelling her as insane, and a surprisingly large number agreeing with her. These divisions have only deepened with the labelling of her accusations as "slanderous" by members of the Krusual Tribe; despite the alarming accuracy of her predictions for the course of the investigation into the "Sundsele Six".

Kalaratiri's current status in the Cartel is not entirely clear, with her apparently no longer performing active work for the Guardian Angels. Her recent activities, however, seem to fall much more in line with the operations of the Cartel's primary military force, the Archangels.

Allies, Contacts, and Relationships

With over a decade of active piloting behind her, Kalaratiri has established a long and incredibly varied list of friends, allies, confidants, and enemies. A great many of these are people she has flown alongside in various corporations, while others are aligned with her politically, and yet more are simply people she’s met in social situations. Kalaratiri has prided herself in maintaining a diverse social circle for many years, despite her apparently criminal status. An incomplete list of some of those who have had an impact in Kalaratiri’s life follows:

  • Ava Surionen
  • Anabella Rella
  • Elsebeth Rhiannon
  • Kikia Truzhari
  • Morwen Lagann
  • Kyllsa Siikanen
  • Literia Khammael
  • Vincent Pryce
  • Minmatar “Ma” Assassin
  • Hikari “DeadRow” Sato
  • Desiderya Tuulinen
  • Lasairiona Raske
  • Altaen
  • Aradina Varren
  • Samira Kernher
  • Aldrith Shutaq

There are of course dozens of others who do not feature on this list, and not all who are on the list have had an equal impact. Certainly among the most important people in Kalaratiri’s life is Domination Vincent Pryce, the man who brought her into the Cartel. As a personal recognition of the trust between them, Kalaratiri remains the appointed Head of Security at Pryce’s Cartel run bar, The Eyrie of Heaven.

Kalaratiri has been in several relationships through her capsuleer career, all with other women. Although she officially describes herself as bisexual, she is a strong proponent of the so called “Morwen’s Law”, which states: The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian. Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around. The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

The first of these relationships was with Kikia Truzhari, and began while both women were employed with Gradient. Their joint creation of Teraa Matar along with Ava Surionen would eventually cause the crack that ruptured the relationship, as the polyamarous Kikia engaged in a romance with another member of the corporation, to Kalaratiri’s considerable shock and anger. This split would fairly rapidly see the death of the corporation itself, as Kalaratiri and Ava left to form their own.

The second relationship was, somewhat unsurprisingly, with Ava herself. The older Sebiestor was a source of much comfort to Kalaratiri in the months following the end of her first relationship, and the near constant closeness of the pair led to mutual feelings developing shortly before their stay with [I-RED] in the middle of YC114. Ava’s semi-retirement near the end of that same year put their relationship on indefinite hold, as the pair managed to avoid being active simultaneously for the next two years. By the time Ava finally retired fully in the latter months of YC117, the two could no longer sensibly be considered a couple.

What followed was a period of almost half a decade of single life for Kalaratiri, much of which was spent in the isolation of Anoikis and Curse. While rumours occasionally whirled around her interactions with various capsuleers, not least Vincent Pryce himself, Kalaratiri remained steadfastly single for the vast majority of her career. This would not change until the early months of YC121, in the midst of the Thebeka Crisis. The Deteis capsuleer Aradina Deikano Varren was someone who Kalaratiri had interacted with several times in the past, once even spending a long night together in Varren’s apartment watching holo-shows and eating snacks. It was not until the Thebeka Crisis however, and the arrival of Varren’s alliance Phoenix Naval Systems [PNS] in support of the Minmatar loyalists that the two progressed from casual acquaintances to a genuine item. The couple had an extremely private relationship, largely inspired by Varren’s considerable distaste for Baseliner “Gossip” and “Shipping”. It is however widely believed that it was Varren’s influence that drove Kalaratiri’s reconciliation with Elsebeth Rhiannon. The couple separated in late YC121 shortly after Kalaratiri's return to wormhole space under the banner of SniggWaffe, having dated for a few months less than a year.

In the time since breaking things off with Aradina, Kalaratiri has once again returned to her traditionally single life.

Circles and the Saskia Clan

Kalaratiri became a member of a small number of Circles during her time at the Republic University. The first, a minor Circle made up of just a dozen or so, brought together a variety of other Capsule compatible teenagers from across the Tribe as a way of ensuring they had age-comparable peer-based social contact during their studies. The teenage Kalaratiri was relatively close with the group for the few years they were together, but she did not remain in contact with any of them for very long after graduation. The second Circle was considerably larger, and played a much more important role in her early career; the Erada Machinists Circle. Encompassing her home system’s entire constellation and home to hundreds of thousands of members, this Circle provided a great wealth of knowledge for the young Sebiestor to delve into in order to expand her understanding of Minmatar spacecraft and their associated technology. She would remain a member of this Circle for several years after her graduation, until the end of her employment with Skadi’s Call. In recent months a new circle has begun to rise, the so called “Sebiestor Sisters”, a group of capsuleer Sebiestor women who between them wield a surprising amount of power and influence around the cluster. Kalaratiri is a late addition to this group, but her reconciliation with Elsebeth Rhiannon appears to have been enough to grant her an invitation.

The Saskia Clan is something of an awkward topic for Kalaratiri, and vice versa. Both consider the other an important part of their history, but neither are entirely sure where they stand with the other. Kalaratiri’s criminal partnerships have driven a wedge between her and her family, not least because of the difficulties associated with visiting a high-security Planet as an affiliate of the Angel Cartel. However, she remains a member of the Clan and as such is technically awarded all of the same rights as any other adult member.

Personal Life and Baseliner Interactions

Her own personal life and privacy are things that Kalaratiri takes a comparatively relaxed attitude towards compared to many Capsuleers (her romantic relationships aside of course). She has never been shy to get involved with baseliners, in particular those living on the Cartel’s stations in Curse, and fans of the holo-show “The Republic Fleet Firetails”. The show, based upon the adventures of a group of female, red-haired, Firetail pilots in the Tribal Liberation Force has remained a success for close to a decade and is now in its 9th season. Kalaratiri remains reasonably popular in the Republic, despite her Angel Cartel affiliations, due in large part to the show. While she maintains that the series is in no way based on any part of her life, Kalaratiri enjoys the popularity of the show and has agreed to several interviews with mainstream holo-shows and gossip columns to discuss it. In these interviews she has discussed everything from her early childhood to her past love life, and from her loyalties to her enemies. This apparent openness is not universal however, she is famously close-lipped about whatever projects she is involved with at the time of the interviews.

Fluid Router Log:

[ 2012.05.03 20:12:37 ] Synthetic Cultist > New Topic: I Saw An Informative Holo Film About the Minmatar Fleet.

[ 2012.05.03 20:13:06 ] Synthetic Cultist > It Appeared To Feature Kalaratiri, but Closer Inspection Revealed it to be merely a Very Similar Actress.

[ 2012.05.03 20:13:26 ] Scherezad > "What was it, um, about?"

[ 2012.05.03 20:14:35 ] Synthetic Cultist > It Was Called "Republic Fleet Firetails" and was about "The Adventures of the Republic Fleets Hottest Squadron! An All Female, All Red Haired Seibestor Elite Fighter Unit"

[ 2012.05.03 20:15:33 ] Scherezad gets sort of a desperate blank stare for a moment before, "Um, e-excuse me, I need to, ah, to get some, uh, some tea." And she gets up from her desk.

[ 2012.05.03 20:17:34 ] Synthetic Cultist > I was Informed it is Not Technically Accurate.

[ 2012.05.03 20:17:34 ] Stitcher > would I be far off the mark in assuming that the Republic Fleet uniform, as displayed in this holo, consists of very tight leather one-piece suits?

[ 2012.05.03 20:18:05 ] Synthetic Cultist > Many of the Pilots Did not have the Appropriate Tattoos for their stated Rank.

[ 2012.05.03 20:18:23 ] Synthetic Cultist > the Admirals wore such, Stitcher.

[ 2012.05.03 20:18:53 ] Stitcher > I'm guessing hot-pants for the lower ranks?

[ 2012.05.03 20:19:16 ] Synthetic Cultist > You have Seen the Film.

That said, Kalaratiri’s nomadic lifestyle has not left her with many regular haunts. Usually the best place to find her is The Eyrie of Heaven where she has often been noted to spend several days at a time, sleeping in the private areas in the back of the upper levels.