FACTS on EVE (Player corporation)

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Template:Player Corporation Extended

FACTS on EVE <FACTS> is an English speaking corporation which operates in 0.0 in the tribute region.

FACTS on EVE focuses PvP operations, combat site/WH PvE and mining operations in Null-Sec.

We seek players of all skill levels, including those just beginning the game, are welcome to join FACTS on EVE and recruitment is ongoing. For additional information about the corp, eve-mail a corp director.



Originally founded by a group of players from the bulletin board FACTS games, FACTS on EVE is a small focused group of EVE online players. Since then FACTS on EVE has grown its own reputation in EVE gaining more members and respect amidst our allies.

First experience in 0.0

In September 2008 FACTS on EVE joined Veneratio Venator Alliance in the region of Providence, the corp has since help the alliance grow a reputation and become a well known name in new Eden

Life after Providence

After Providence was invaded by the SC FACTS on EVE made the choice to move with their alliance Veneratio Venator Alliance to the north for the stake of continuing our operations in 0.0

The Northern Coalition

Since then Veneratio Venator Alliance has become a guest of MorsusMihi and FACTS on EVE as a corp will continue so support both VVA and the NC in there operations anywhere in new Eden

End of VVA

After the Death of VVA, FACTS on EVE has moved on to join OWN Alliance and live out of the vale region where there a plenty of new challanges for us to face.

The Big Turn Around

After a long life in the NC, FACTS on EVE made the choice the leave OWN Alliance and the north to head back towards the south of EVE. with the goal of turning the corp around and doing something different FACTS dropped its anti-pirate ways and took on whole new way of life, making the choice to to go very red. instead of moving back in to Providence FACTS instead joined up with RED.OverLord so that the corp could focus more on its PvP and null sec operations.


Rules of Engagement


You may be engaged by our vessels if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • You are a known enemy collaborator or a member of a known enemy corporation or alliance
  • You may be engaged if Your standing IS NOT BLUE and You are in Null Sec. space


Recruting is CLOSED. We are not currenty takeing on any new members. recrutment by invite only ATM.

Mergers and acquisitions

If you have a small corporation and you want to merge with Us, please get in contact.


DeltaW7 – CEO and founder of FACTS on EVE
Zama118 – Co-founder and a Director of FACTS on EVE
Humongo – co-founder and a Director of FACTS on EVE
Jorrel Baas - co-founder and a Director of FACTS on EVE
Sol Nieghtder - Director of FACTS on EVE
Gawiv Gallentar - Director of FACTS on EVE

External Links

FACTS on EVE Official Website and Forum
FACTS on EVE killboard
FACTS on EVE on eve kill
FACTS on EVE on battleclinic

DotLan page for FACTS on EVE


zama ramblings
Zero Gravity
Revolting Carebears