Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W3: AR, Yan Jung Studies, My Thesis

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From Roga Dracor
Subject AR, Yan Jung Studies, My Thesis
Date 113.07.25 16:27
Content Let me first say that the Arek'Jaalan Project is potentially the single most important endeavor in our modern history. And, that I am deeply gratified and humbled to be a part of it. My wish is that upon completion of it's current mandate, it will take a closer look at the immediate history of the societies in New Eden.

But let us go back to the beginning, with the oldest confirmed cultural ruins to date, barring the Jove, the Yan Jung.

Their origins harken back to the Eve Gate itself, and the mass exodus of humanity through it, into New Eden. One must assume that their technology was comparable to that which we call Terran. Though the primary location of their ruins is the Deltole system, in Gallente space, it is hinted in the texts we have deciphered, that they settled in other places as well.

Archeology as a science can not rely upon the same empirical testing methods for it's theoretical conclusions. Often, an Archeologist must take on the role of intuitive detective as well. He must develop ideas that may not reflect the mainstream scientific communities static thought patterns. And develop testing methods that narrow the data to an acceptable level of error. While never knowing the “truth” of it.

In beginning to understand who the Yan Jung peoples were we must examine that evidence with an open mind to the possibility that our own worldview could alter our perceptions of the Yan Jung “truth”. For example, though a scientists belief or disbelief in a Creator may predispose that individual to an opinion, no empirical data has ever been provided to prove the “theory” of existence either way. So, too there is little empirical evidence to base our assumptions about the Yan Jungs on. What we have are bits and pieces of a very large puzzle.

In my studies of the Yan Jung culture, one would expect to find a well developed shielding technology, but the truth is, we find more evidence of their advanced armor and warp core stabilization technology and very little to show they used advanced shielding beyond the repulsor device they are famous for.

The Yan Jung show evidence they possessed nanite and liquid crystal technology and advanced mathematics, computing and electronics theory, perhaps even self-aware AI. They also held an advanced understanding of Gravitronics. Gravitrons are the elementary particles that transmit the force of gravity, and apparently, the central impetus of their force fields. I am wondering now, as well, if they were not related to early wormhole experimentation. After all, they would have recently been cut off from their roots beyond the Eve wormhole. Technologically, I would say they were equal to Terrans, if not slightly more advanced.

Culturally, we have very little solid evidence of anything beyond circumstantial similarities to the Jin Mei, Krusual, Achuran and Ni Kunni bloodlines, which seem to share a common genetic, as well as linguistic and cultural heritage, themselves. We find it in the proprietary naming conventions of ancient artifacts and hybrid technology, which is named after the ancient prototypes that are reverse engineered. There is, as well, a ephemeral linguistic tie to the Amarr that would seem to support their claim that many diverse cultures thrived under Amarrian rule in New Eden in the ancient past. With the ancient Amarrian tongue as the lingua franca of New Eden.

Man has not changed, substantially, from the genotypes and phenotypes presented in the earliest fossil records. With the obvious exception of the Jovians, who implemented mandatory genetic manipulation upon their entire population in an attempt to curb the baser natures of humanity. We are all ultimately of the same genetic stock. And within that stock is a uniform variety of dispersal, that is to say, there are inherent differences in the bloodlines. In my opinion the Yang Jung represent the aforementioned bloodlines more uniformly than any others that could be forwarded.