Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W22: SEC Branch November YC113 Update

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From Guthris
Subject SEC Branch November YC113 Update
Date 113.12.04 01:21
Content Subjects:

1. - Emergency meeting Site One lack of security
2. - Security assessment Review on Site One
3. - Third department head SEC Branch appointed

Fellow researchers,

// 1. //
Pending an immediate investigation on the tactical assessment regarding Site One's lack of security I move for a meeting session to be planned ASAP.
My security review is due before the end of this week. However we have allready concluded that the security detail currently on Site One is solely incapable of defending the construction crew.

The meeting will be scheduled:
Monday the 5th, between the hours of 19.00-23.00 YST.
or Wednessday the 7th 1900-2300 YST
Date will be chosen per availability of department heads.

Please mail me which date suits you the best by private messaging me.
[Please dont "reply all" to avoid annoyances with other project members]

// 2. //
My security assessment of Site One will be made public before the scheduled meeting. It will encompass the tactical assessment of the layout, structures and ships currently on site.

// 3. //
A new department head has been appointed for SEC Branch.
Our current leadership consists of Grideris and myself. To counter balance this a pilot who has shown to be a clear thinking individual, who is not prejudiced by political affiliation or stance. El Geo will take up the role of third lead in SEC. Replacing Drake Arson, Former SEC Lead who got removed from office after breaching the non-aggression agreement beset by the EC commitee. [ see report ]

Over the following weeks we will be restructuring SEC Branch to act as a better functioning security force. Recruitment drive will be announced pending some minor internal meetings.

Thank you for your time,

With regards,

Michael S. Guthris
Arek'Jaalan SEC Branch Lead

From Guthris
Subject SEC Branch November YC113 Update
Date 113.12.05 21:55
Content Subjects:

1. - Security assessment Review on Site One
2. - EC/SEC/MRiD Meeting 10-12-113

// 1. //
Follow this link to download the report (edited and hostd by General Stargazer):
--- Security report Site One ---

// 2. //
The meeting regarding the lack of security on Site One has been merged with the EC meeting scheduled on December 10th at 20.00 YST.

For further questions please mail me privately.

With regards,

Michael S. Guthris
Arek'Jaalan SEC Branch Lead