User:El alasar

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File:1152215493 512.jpg
el alasar, 2011
File:1152215493 2010.jpg
el alasar, 2010


Scholar to the galactic diplomatic choir.

Fighting for peace and freedom in the main charted universe when negotiation has failed.

Especially in lowsec an increasing number of pitiful needy people have been observed starting desperate attacks on innocent capsuleers just to get enough money for foods to survive the day.

As each armed conflict causes more to be lost than gained, a massive galactic cross-factional multi-billion education program has already been put in place to enable self-help for these people and make them understand the negative effects on galactic economy. This vicious circle of violence and aniihilation of wealth has to be broken!

Although, in case of repeated refusal to participate in training programs and violation of others' freedom rights their military prosecution has been approved and will be conducted in cooperation with factional warfare forces and other pilots who dare to join the fight.


  • there are no exploits in eve based on game mechanics. anything that is considered an exploit still works as implemented by CCP. if you want "the exploit" fixed, force CCP to change the underlying game mechanics.
  • pve and pvp need to blend
  • eve is about complexity - more options to to do stuff
  • make the sandbox dynamic in far more ways
    • destructible npc elements
    • give players influence on behaviour of sandbox elements
  • towards dynamic pve, have pve come to you, interact with your regular eve life
  • dynamic agent payout
    • agent-based: based on 5-day running average how bad an agent is farmed
    • npc corp-based: how bad a corp is farmed influences whole corp too
  • replace asteroid belts with exploration, site yield + small vs. large roids based on farming-average
  • give standings more meaning
    • more things to do with it, e.g. pay to get intel, temporarily boost agent payout, temporarily lower taxes, ...
    • standings-wars, pay standing to have someone else loose standing
    • have standings influence game play (docking times & allowances, concord response times)
    • make standings decay back to average high/low values over time
  • concord
    • should not be invincible, but call in more and more forces only
    • bribing to look away longer, come faster
  • npc faction navies need a bigger role
  • more civilian npc to interact with - tie into new random event mission
  • overall increase in EHP (while keeping tanking abilities at current values) for all ships
  • introducing a new first counter to high alpha
  • seldom used rigs need a look at bonuses - why are mostly armor, energy and shield rigs used?
  • eve would benefit from
    • a separate thin client / allow limited playing through evegate
    • new corp financing system, only taxing pve no good
    • fix of bounty hunting system
    • changed war dec system

Desired changes to game mechanics

  • allow podding during GCC
  • kill rights to be extended to allow podding. implants are a noteable factor for success in pvp and as such should be also on the table. thread here
  • allowance to attack players with bounty anytime everywhere, there is a reason they got bounty first place. concord should look away. - or only with "hot bounty", bounty >= xxx.
  • placing bounty should be always possible once a criminal act towards you has been committed, not only when the criminal has below -1 sec status. (*)

(*) we all know bounty hunting needs to be fixed, e.g. by YABS ... there should also be a way for the criminal to get rid of a bounty e.g. by paying back a multiple of the bounty to concord or the victim. and collecting bounty through alts needs to be stopped.

Most annoying bugs

  • Assets window freezes
  • mark word by doubleclick: space is selected behind word

Interesting ingame services

Red-Frog Freighter Service

Save Jita!

Favorite 3rd party tools



Interesting 3rd party links and services

2D EveMaps (PDF)

EVE API Privacy

Eve Miners Guide (PDF)

Eve Outtakes

Eve-Survival Mission Guide

Jitonomic Loyalty Store

Jitonomic Market

Favorite text art

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▅███ ready to gank ███▅    
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________Sexy Time...________XXXXXXXXXXX_ 

Contribution to EvE

idea fragments to come back to / brainstorming

9) 0.9-0.7 space should have NPCs mining in asteroid belts. Why are pod pilots the only one to do so? If they get attacked by rats, localised distress beacons (short range) could alert players to a potential small profit, sec status increase and faction standings if they rush in to help... etc.

12) Large-scale battlefields containing real wrecks from real fights to be turned into temporary warp-to-able areas, where salvaging, codebreaking or hacking is used similar to complexes. Random NPCs (space-specific, ie Guristas in Venal etc) warping in to try and claim loot/salvage for themselves (again, use the Incursion system here) to fight against. Depth, people... depth! Maybe even have them helping you out, or vise versa, should you have appropriate factional standings.

13 b) Use a specified (or just T2) salvager on corpses floating in space to potentially get components of, or even full implants. If its on the KM, then the server knows its there already and standard salvaging modifiers could still be in effect... or maybe at -50% etc.

  • [2] many different topic to sort out
   Actual missile hardpoints with missiles launching from those points instead of just flying out from within the ship. Turrets were given a graphical upgrade. Time for the launchers too.
   T3 Strategic Weapons and Modules
    • EMP Shock (A special beam weapon (not Lasers) that lowers the powergrid of impacted ship, causing a temporary outage in power flow, lowering the effectiveness or ROF, or increases the duration between cycles, of random modules. Useless against shielded targets. Shots must hit the armor of the ship to have any effect, with armor offering a certain % of protection. A hard hit on the hull is always guaranteed to have effect.)
    • Sensor Disruption (An E-War module similar to the sensor dampener though much weaker but easier to use, with the added effect of randomly disengaging the active weapons trained on any locked targets, or even causing random drop of locked targets, thus forcing the impacted ship to re-acquire a lock on its targets.)
    • Sensor Deception (A module that interferes with the target's sensors and causing it to "think" that there are more ships than there really is, causing "ghosts" to appear which the target can actually lock, but will disappear once the effect wears off, or when the target starts shooting at the "ghosts" only to find out that it's a fake, thus dispelling it. A loaded script can change the behaviour and make the Deception result a change in the "quality" of the ships that the target sees - like a Destroyer becomes a Battlecruiser on the target's sensors - instead of just the "quantity". More deception modules trained on the same ship results in a better deception, though with diminishing returns.)
    • Defender Drones (Drones that only orbits and defends the player against other drones and incoming missile attacks. May even sacrifice itself to block some of the incoming direct weapon shots.)
    • Drones - Suicide command (The drones slams itself into the hull of target ship, sacrificing itself to deal massive damage equal to its mass and velocity versus the target's current velocity. Imagine expensive torpedoes with MWDs as propulsion. Higher velocity + heavier mass = higher damage, regardless of relative sizes.)

interesting forum posts to come back to

podkill someone without killing the ship (e.g. t2 destroyer, possible when in hull)

ganking / bounties

Nullsec Incusion Escalation Idea - Checks on wasted SOV Space (pve intelligence) (15,21)

[W-space] Small (yet, game changing) improvements

pve missions

Bounties and Bounty hunting needs to be fixed badly.

Bounty Hunting Fix -

EUNI ganking

YABS - a new bounty system for eve, also #33

balanced autopilot change (change distance, delays, 2 skill)

official eve notifications

crucible (build 321452) (2011-11) Modules

   The following Tech II modules have been added and will only be available through Invention. No Tech II BPO’s will be created for these items:
   Warfare link II
   Mining Foreman link II
   Core probe launcher II
   Drone link augmentor II
   Omnidirectional tracking link II
   Drone tracking computer II
   Siege module II
   Triage module II
   Small remote hull repair system II
   Medium remote hull repair system II
   Large remote hull repair system II
   Bomb launcher II
   Micro auxiliary power core II
   Small tractor beam II
   Capital tractor beam II
   Warp disruption field generator II


   Insurance is no longer paid out for players who are killed by CONCORD.
   The aggression timer for combat has been changed. When logging off in space with PVP aggression, the ship will be removed from space 15 minutes after log-off, or 15 minutes after the most-recent aggressive act against the ship, whichever is the latest.


   Ctrl+L-Clicking on a drone in the drone window now correctly targets the drone.

3 weeks CCP little things 2011-11 (CCP Anthelios along with CCP Soulblighter, CCP Booster, and CCP Space Cadet.)