SoutherN Comfort (Player corporation)

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Name S0uthern Comfort
Ticker [S0C0]
Alliance TEST
CEO Trespasser
Founded Febuarary 25th, 2010
Status 192 Members
Headquarters Vale of the Silent
Public Channel -SOCO- Recruitment
Website S0C0 Website

Welcome to Southern Comfort "The Grand Ole Corp of New Eden"

1. Mission Statement

2. CurrentKey Members

3. Major Wars & Battles

4. Detailed History

5. What are we doing now?

6. Southern Comfort Wall of Honor

1.Mission Statement

  S0C0 was founded upon the ideal of corp brotherhood and attempting to achieve excellence in PVP. We are loyal to our comrades in corp and those who    
  have left us on good terms. We stick together and attempt to leave no man behind.

2. Key Members

  Trespasser    (Member since 2012 & CEO since 2015, Capsuleer since 2003-Beta)
  Vigilanta     (Founding Member Original CEO, current Director Co-CEO, Capsuleer since 2004)
  Valtrinor     (Member since 2012, Director, Capsuleer since 2003/Beta)
  GhostKiller1  (Member since 2011, Director of Salt, Capsuleer since 2006)
  Metalravenous (Member since 2012, Industrial Legend, Director of Bronies, Capsuleer since 2008)
  Johann Landier(Member since 2013, Recruiting Officer, Casuleer since 2011)
  Jirek         (Member since 2014, Czech/EU Officer, Capsuleer since 2007)

3. Major Battles, Events, Wars, & Accomplishments

  Battle of B-R
  Battle of Asakai
  Battle of ED- (Darkenss)
  Battle of M-O (CFC Side in Co2)
  Fountain War  (TEST & Tribe)
  Halloween War (-AAA-)
  World War Bee (MBC -- Circle of Two then TEST)
  Inadvertently responsible for the destruction of an entire Black Legion Super Fleet courtesy of a helpful Vigilanta..your welcome Eve

4. The Birth Of Southern Comfort and our history till now

  Southern Comfort is a Player Corporation started from the rogue elements of Davy Jones Locker and 31st Kakahela Kakahela Division after the 
  hostile take over of Enforcers of Serenity Alliance in February of 2010. The history and core members of Southern Comfort go all the way back to 
  the very first days of New Eden. 
  The Corporation was founded by Cheesy Killa, Vigilanta, GothicSwampy23, Zey Nadar, and Oprime. 

5. What are we doing now in 2016?