First-Advanced-Experience-Increasement Corporation (Player corporation)

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First-Advanced-Experience-Increasement Corporation is here to grand players the knowledge needed for many kind's of request's.

How the Corporation works? First, the player who joined First-Advanced-Experience-Increasement Corporation will have a choice what he can do for the corp, he can mine, kill pirates or help free players to join the corp.

The advance of First-Advanced-Experience-Incrasement Corporation is to guide the experience of the players in all stats, which will mean that the corp not only supports the players in learning how to use EVE options extras and other ... the corp rewards players with payment of 1000 ISK. Also gives an extra bonus of skill books which the player receives as a reward AFTER the given assignment has been finished.

For more information about what to do contact me through EVE-Mail or Invite me to a Private Chat.

configuration link for joining First-Advanced-Experience-Increasement Corporation -> DarkUnholySithLord

Edited by:DarkUnholySithLord