The Galactic Republic (Player corporation)

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Name The Galactic Republic
Ticker [TGRNS]
Alliance None
CEO Commodore Gillette
Founded 02.15.09
Founded by Commodore Gillette
Status Active
Headquarters Itamo
Public Channel The Galactic Republic


The Galactic Republic is a small corp headquartered in Itamo, a convenient system that is only 2 jumps from Jita that includes a science and trade institute school for skillbooks. We mine, run level 1-4 missions, and we plan on going into industry buisness. We accept all members regardless of skill and are happy to help noobs get into the game. Our corporation has a 3 branch system that allows advancement through the ranks. The branches are mining, navy, and public relations. New divisions may be created as necessary. For more information or to join convo Commodore Gillette, commodore nelson, or Lyons Bael in game.


After leaving Cyntec Inc., Commodore Gillette and Comdore Nelson founded the Galactic Republic along with Lyons Bael. The first few days were rough as we searched for a station and battled with a few pirates. After the first week, we had a member base of 15 and continue to grow today.

      For a while we were apart of the 23rd Flotilla (alliance). Due to several wars which we were taking part in, the decision was made to leave. We have been in a total of 3 wars, we pride in ourselves not losing any of them.

Ranking System

The Galactic Republic has a ranking system where it is possible to move up in rank. The most basic rank is the conscript. This rank is given to the trial accounts and anyone who is under 1.6 million skill points. The next rank up is "private." This rank makes up the majority of our members.