Eden Security Intelligence (Player Corporation)

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Template:Player Corporation Extended


Eden Security Intelligence is an organization devoted to collecting sensitive information regarding the corporations and individuals residing in New Eden. esi-4's duty includes shifting security awareness of inhabitants of New Eden, specifically through means of public-open databases which contain data about known criminals, threats and issues within New Eden.

Other than accumulating security intelligence, the corporation also monitors, mines and sorts data about New Eden's volatile economy and industry -- from ore extraction & processing to research & manufacturing. Tools which should be soon disclosed to the public.


During director Tach Narrows' first year among other capsuleers in the great unknown that is New Eden, back in 2009., he realized the value of information. Be it on certain individuals, corporations, alliances of corporations or on the trends of a particular market -- it was the difference between a clone or a more recent clone.

Given the technologically advanced state of the galaxy, a lot of the data was (and still is) being recorded by third parties. Market data could be exported and analyzed with stochastic methods to compute the probablity that a given commodity could give a high profit margin with very little idle time between market orders. As time went on, these tools evolved and allowed for vast profitability. And all that, without one weapon activated and regardless of the clone's skill.

Eden Security Intelligence was formed in 2010. with the goals of expanding on these ideas, first covertly until the formal proxy -- ESI-4 -- was formed in the second half of 2011. The corporation was merely a tool of representation, rather than an actual conglomerate of players. Which is going to change in 2013.