Nikita Alterana (Character) - Rewrite

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This article is considered to be In Character by its author.

<span style="background:Please Note : Some of the following information is OUT OF CHARACTER information, provided for those players who are interested in learning more about Nikita. Please Respect this fact, and refrain from misusing this article.;border:1px solid #AAA;padding:1em 1em 2px;line-height:normal"> 

Name Nikita Alterana
Race Minmatar
Bloodline Sebiestor/mixed
Licensed 19 May, 85YC
Occupation Pilot
Specialization Cybernetics, Neuroscience, Combat
Corporation Risen Angels

Full Name Nikita Sorosi Alterana
Age 28
Clone Age Approx. 18
Hair Blue
Eyes Blue
Height 163 cm
Weight 45.6 kg
Bloodtype AB
Birthplace Damnation City, Utopia III, Utopia
Parents Gene Alterana, Salia Alterana (Desaulier)
Siblings Arriana Alterana
Known Cybernetics Capsule and cortical downlink, high grade attribute augmentations, multiple combat hardwirings, high sensitivity haptics, expanded mentality holocloud, high grade sensory augmentations, high volume dataflow proccessors, full electronics processing suite, wideband cross spectrum signal interfacing via full body organic circuitry tattoos, high pass neural refirerers, and quickdraw implants
Distinguishing Features

Large decorative angel wing tattoo on right arm. Full body organic circuitry tattoos


Nikita was born on November 5th YC 84 in the small Pit mining city of Damnation, in the Desert of Ash, on Utopia III. Her parents were archeologists by trade, and were employed as Ash Diggers, wandering the deserts of Utopia III, looking for the last relics of the Jovians who had lived there before them. Nikita took well to the rough and tumble street life of Damnation, and by YC 98 had earned a place of moderate status within a local gang, the Zretkrekov Runners. When the Angel Cartel came recruiting, she and most of the Runners were swept up into their ranks. Nikita's clever and inquisitive mind, her ruthless attitude, and her capsuleer genes quickly earned her a place of status within the criminal group.

Cartel Years

Nikita became a pilot within the cartel, although details are very scarce as to what that entailed, she is believed to have held the rank of captain within the cartel military structure. She served the cartel in that manner for six years when she was nearly executed after a major incident where most of her unit was destroyed. As a chance to redeem herself, she was entered into the MIASMA project. The project was a sleeper agent project pioneered by Devan Ormiklees, one of the top researchers in the cartel. A mindwipe was performed and she was crafted a perfect history, perfect credentials, and the best disguise that could be given: One that the person was unaware they were wearing. Nikita was given an entire new life, and sent into the Federal Navy. She served her two years, and entered the capsuleer training program, where she spent another two years, all while secretly performing reconnaissance and espionage for the Cartel. The Federal Intelligence Agency may be conducting an investigation into Nikita's actions during this time, but public data is unavailable.

Capsuleer Years

After graduating from the Academy on May 25th YC 110, Nikita drifted through several capsuleer corpyorations, serving with Executive Outcomes, KIA, Atlas, and Da Orkz. Records from this period suggest that she continued to perform work for the Cartel during this period.

Resonance Glitch

On May 11th, YC 113, Sansha's Nation began launching a series of attacks on high security space. On May 19th, as part of a Cartel investigation into Sansha's Nation, Nikita attempted to hack into Nation unit SlaveTama01 during an attack on Haliama. While the operation was partially successful, Nikita was exposed to an infomorph virus while attempting to penetrate the Nation pilot's Intrusion Countermeasures layer. Over the course of the next few hours, the virus attempted to subvert her loyalty. While initial treatment prevented this from happening, she remained infected, the virus resisting attempts at eradication. Interactions between the virus and Ormiklees' conditioning resulted in erratic behavior on Nikita's part, with those close to her gradually becoming aware of the changes wrought by the MIASMA project.

Soon after this, Nikita was tasked with delivering a rogue drone nexus which had been discovered on the surface of Zimmem X to a hidden Cartel stargate in Finid. Through the actions of the virus, the Nation became aware of this, and attempted to subvert her loyalties to secure the nexus for themselves. The nexus proved to be both unusual and fully functional, seizing the opportunity presented by her weakened state of mind to gain control of her, destroying both the virus and Ormiklees' conditioning in the process. It forced her to alter course in what is theorized was an attempt to return the nexus to a nearby drone hive. Cartel chase ships, including one commanded by Devan Ormiklees, gave pursuit, and boarded her ship. They managed to regain control, wiping the nexus and returning Nikita's hidden memories to her.

Current Status

With the sleeper agent project terminated, Nikita appears to have returned to the Cartel, remaining an independent capsuleer working for them through the Risen Angels. CONCORD has authorized the beginnings of a criminal investigation. The status of this investigation is currently classified.

Exerpts from Assembled Socio/Mental Profile


Nikita seems to be highly unstable mentally. She is prone to mood swings, and outbursts of violence. She has been showing symptoms of regression, criminal sadism, nymphomania, as well a masochism, and depersonalization disorder.

Nikita is highly ruthless, showing little to no regard for her crew or herself, as well as appearing to be sociopathic, and highly neurotic. Advise she be treated with the utmost caution.


Nikita is heavily augmented, possessing numerous legal as well as prototype and Cartel implants and showing no reluctance to modify her body. Nikita refuses to submit to examination by CONCORD officials, lending credence to theories that several of these implants are illegal mental and physical combat accelerators.

Political Affiliations

Nikita has no political ties to any legitimate group in New Eden, and claims allegiance to the Angel Cartel.