Ninavask (Character)

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This article is considered to be In Character by its author.

Name Ninavask A. Revan
Race Gallente
Bloodline Gallente
Licensed 15/06/112YC
Occupation Director of Security
Specialization Covert Operations
Corporation The Synenose Accord

Place of Birth: Averon V- Averon Solar System
Date of Birth: 2-11-83 YC
Height: 195 cm
Weight 88.768 Kilograms
Graduated: Federation Naval Academy (YC 97); Center for Advanced Studies (YC 112)
Degrees: Federation Navy Special Forces, Federation Navy Covert Operations
Awards and Commendations: None

Ninavask Artemis Revan was a resident of the Averon Solar System in Everyshore in the Gallente Federation. Now being the Director of Security for the The Synenose Accord and has been with the Accord since 30/08/112 to this day. Also an amateur author of fictional events surrounding his home world in the story Fallout depicting an apocalyptic failure of experimental capacitors aboard a trio of drop ships.

Ninavask is a known Financier of a small army of Marines and Militants collected from the four races. Including large contingents of Caldari and Amarrian light marines. Alongside all this he is known to frequent Syn Callibiri's "Razor's Edge Dance Club".


Ninavask was born on Averon V in the Averon Solar system in Gallente Space. The third child in a family of five. His father was a Midshipmen aboard the Federation Navy Megathron class battlesh Alecto, and his mother was a captain aboard an as of yet unknown Gallentean Battlecruiser. His brother operates out of a vehicle repair shop on Averon V. His sister was on her way to becoming a Capsuleer, just beginning to study at the Center For Advanced Studies, however she was reported missing, presumed killed, during the Sansha's Nation attack on the Obray constellation.

Along with his sister, the Capsuleer reported his mother and father where lost during the Invasion of Luminaire by the Caldari State in YC 110. It is suspected but not known that the Capsuleer harbors deep feelings of hate for the Caldari State for this event, but this has not been shown overtly since the rise of Sansha's Nation.

Unlike the others in his family, Ninavask passed the Psychology test and health tests to become a Capsuleer after scoring top grades at the Federation Naval Academy prior to becoming a Capsuleer. For a short time he worked as a member of the Federation Navy, the captain of an Federation Comet before he left active duty once being offered the chance to become a Capsuleer and went to study at the Center for Advanced studies.

In YC 112 Ninavask graduated from the Center for Advanced Studies and became a Capsuleer in full, and shortly after graduating joined a small Corporation of Capsuleers carving out a living in the Everyshore Region. After the corp began to fall apart however, he joined the Synenose Accord under the leadership of Julianus Soter, and has remained within the Accord and helping in the fight against Sansha's Nation ever since.