The Executives (Player corporation)

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Name The Executives
Ticker [SUITS]
Alliance Executive Outcomes
CEO Mo'Chuisle
Founded 2009 (2005)
Status Alive and kicking
Headquarters Undisclosed
Public Channel Pixeljuice


The Executives was created through a merger of the Executive Outcomes corporations Omega Fleet Enterprises, LFC and The Galactic Empire.

A recent survey of pod pilots in Jita agreed that The Executives are the snappiest dressers in the universe and most experts agree that The Executives are the best corporation in eve.

The Executives joined IT Alliance soon after their foundation. There are rumors that, after the fall of IT Alliance, they started associating with unsavory elements like Dark-Rising, known traitors to the cause, commiting acts of piracy and other atrocities.


The Executives do not openly recruit. Only pilots who find sponsors inside the corp are able to join.