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==Biography Excerpt==
==Biography Excerpt==
"Oh? Is that so? Well I shall take that knife that you have threatened me with as you try to stab me, and force you to slice your own carotid artery. If you are still insistent on harming me while in your death throws, I shall then snap your elbow and remove it from your arm, using the shards of bone left in the remnants of your limb to slice open your abdomen and empty your entire torso of your organs.
"Do ''not'' test me if you hold your life dear. I would prefer being a most loyal ally, as I am someone who cares for strangers and those of lowly stature in my society without hesitation.
Do ''not'' test me if you hold your life dear. I would prefer being a most loyal ally, as I am someone who cares for strangers and those of lowly stature in my society without hesitation.
But when forced to, I am the tempest and chaos the Lord unleashes upon those who harm his children. I am the one whose anger curdles the blood of those who use it in their name. I am the one who destroys the filth who would harm all of New Eden.
But when forced to, I am the tempest and chaos the Lord unleashes upon those who harm his children. I am the one whose anger curdles the blood of those who use it in their name. I am the one who destroys the filth who would harm all of New Eden.

Revision as of 08:36, 10 February 2014

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This article is considered to be In Character by its author.

Name Vulxanis Viceroy
Gender Male
Race Amarrian
Bloodline Amarrian
Blood Type O+
Father Lord Vaxoc Draconis - Kor-Azor (Deceased)
Mother Lady Nadalia Draconis - Kor-Azor (Deceased)
Date of Birth 23200.03.05
Place of Birth Amarr Prime - Athror Estate -

North Wing

Height 183cm (6')
Weight 87kg(192lbs)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Ice Blue
Occupation CEO, Holder
Specialization Security
Corporation Xiadii Family Holdings


Until recently, much of the extent Vulxanis's true history was unknown. Anything you read here that contradicts what you might have heard in the past has to do with incomplete facts. Much is still unknown. 

Born into the wealthy Draconis Kor-Azor Family, Vulxanis was groomed and schooled in the fashion of royalty from a young age. His family was not directly related to the Kor-Azor Heir to be deemed worthy for consideration, but close enough to have multiple estates in the Throne worlds. However, right before Vulxanis was going to come of age, he mysteriously disappeared from public record. His family was also attacked during his absence, and many were murdered.

City of God incident (23216AD)

 *CONCORD has not yet released this information under Classified Level Black-Beta-Nine *

Lost years

*CONCORD has not yet released this information under Classified Level Black-Beta-Nine *

Return to Amarr Space(Y115)

When Vulxanis returned to Amarr space, he chose to assume his real name after learning what it was. He slowly gained connections within the Amarr Empire, Ammatar Mandate, and the Khanid Kingdom as he traveled his ancestral Empire. He still suffered from Amnesia, which is probably due to improperly set cybernetic implants he had somehow acquired before becoming a Capsuleer for the first time. As far as he knew, his family were all dead, which wasn't far from the truth. He would later claim his rightful place as heir to 3 estates and their lands from his biological family.

Vulxanis "Viceroy"

After a short while, Vulxanis was tracked down by certain demons of his past. For reasons unknown, Vulxanis chose to change his License to read Viceroy, instead of his full name. Now that that crisis has been averted, however, he chooses to go by his true name.

Mr. Xiadii(Lord Julius Severus Ali Xiadii IX)

Vulxanis had not yet found out the extent of his lineage, and chose to make a living by running security missions for corporations within the Amarr Empire and Khanid Kingdom. After one of his missions in Khanid space, Vulxanis walked in to The Golden Lounge, a bar held by Mr. Xiadii, and he ordered a drink. During the conversation that followed Mr. Xiadii coming out to socialize with his customer, they started to bond and after a time, Mr. Xiadii invited Vulxanis to escort him on a mission. Over the next few months, Mr. Xiadii took Vulxanis under his wing and re-schooled him in the ways of nobility, after they did some research and mostly learned the origin of the Draconis name.  

Holder of the "Xiadii Family"

Upon the death of Lord Julius Severus Ali Xiadii IX, who had no heirs, Vulxanis was bequeathed as his adopted heir. Vulxanis has all the same rights of a Holder in the Khanid Kingdom as if he were Mr. Xiadii's son. This is in addition to his rights as the Holder of the Draconis family.  

Business Union with Uchusen Technologies

Vulxanis also inherited The Golden Lounge, and took over management. One day, Keitunen Eto chose to visit his bar. The conversation that followed would lead to a profitable long-term business partnership, as well as many adventures.

*CONCORD has not yet released the continued version under Classified Level Black-Beta-Nine *

Extended Bio

  • Titles: Lord Draconis, Duke of Athror, Duke of Aizura, Earl of Dorhir, Holder of the Xiadii Family, Holder of the Draconis - Kor-Azor family
  • Age:152
  • Clone age: Frozen at 32
  • Heirs: none
  • Known slaves: Adala Andiun(Freed, Capsuleer)
  • Marital status: Single
  • Sibilings: Unknown
  • Due to the below information, Vulxanis's full name reads Lord Vulxanis Nitsujj Draconis - Kor-Azor - Xiadii.

Known Family

(All titles are referencing their relation to Vulxanis)

Father's side:

  • Aunt(F) - Lady Reema Tash-Murkon - Draconis (Deceased) & Uncle(F) Lord Ghragor Tash-Murkon (Deceased)
- (Cousin) Lord Aafiya Tash-Murkon (Deceased) 
  • (Cousin) Lord Aafiya Tash-Murkon (Deceased) & Lady Maysa Tash-Murkon (Deceased)

- (Vulxanis is closest living relative and claimed the right of heir to their estates after he returned)

Mother's Side:

  • Uncle(M) - Lord Giaus Kor-Azor (Deceased) & Aunt(M) - Lady Adela Kor-Azor (Deceased)

- (Vulxanis is closest living relative and claimed the right of heir to their estates after he returned)

  • Uncle(M) - Lord Domric Kor-Azor & Aunt(M) - Lady Genevieve Kor-Azor - 1st Cousin - Lord Benedict Kor-Azor
  • 1st Cousin - Lord Benedict Kor-Azor & Lady Ariel Kor-Azor - 2nd Cousin - Lord Damian Kor-Azor
  • 2nd Cousin - Lord Damian Kor-Azor & Lady Anahi Kor-Azor - 3rd Cousin - Lord Stephen Kor-Azor
  • 3rd Cousin - Lord Stephen Kor-Azor & Lady Maria Kor-Azor - 4th Cousin - Lord Marcus Kor-Azor
  • 4th Cousin - Lord Marcus Kor-Azor & Lady Veronica Kor-Azor - 5th Cousin - Lord Darius Kor-Azor

Known Estates:

• The Duchy of Pulchra - Kihtaled IV - Inherited from Adopted Guardian - Lord Julius Severus Ali Xiadii IX (Deceased)

• The Duchy of Athror - Amarr Prime - Inherited from Father - Lord Vaxoc Draconis - Kor-Azor (Deceased)

• The Duchy of Aizura - Tash - Murkon Prime V - Inherited from Cousin - Lord Aafiya Tash-Murkon (Deceased)

• The Earldom of Dorhir - Eclipticum (Kor-Azor Prime IV) - Inherited from Uncle - Lord Giaus Kor-Azor (Deceased)

Biography Excerpt

"Do not test me if you hold your life dear. I would prefer being a most loyal ally, as I am someone who cares for strangers and those of lowly stature in my society without hesitation.

But when forced to, I am the tempest and chaos the Lord unleashes upon those who harm his children. I am the one whose anger curdles the blood of those who use it in their name. I am the one who destroys the filth who would harm all of New Eden.

Do. Not. Test. Me.

For you will fail."

- Quote from Vulxanis during an overheard conversation between himself and some Demons of his past in a restaurant. Taken from the secret reporter biographies of CONCORD.