Aldrith Shutaq (Character)

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This article is considered to be In Character by its author.

Name Aldrith Ter'neth Shutaq
Gender Male
Race Amarr
Bloodline Ni-Kunni
Blood Type A-
Father Tosonit Shutaq
Mother Chalna Shutaq
Siblings N/A
Spouse Mitara Newelle
Date of Birth YC 82.02.15
Place of Birth Ny'Stetoh, Mishi IV, Aridia
Height 5'11"
Weight 65 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Olive Green
Licensed YC 110.06.067
Occupation Fleet Captain
Corporation PIE. Inc

Aldrith Ter'neth Shutaq (Newelle) is a prominent Amarr loyalist capsuleer, currently in service to the famous Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris. He is renowned as the single highest-kill combat pilot in the Praetoria's history, as well as for being personally charismatic and affluent, making him popular among capsuleer fandoms across the cluster. He has recently become ennobled to the Sarum Family alongside his wife, Mitara Newelle, further increasing his fame and prominence, if only by proxy. His liberal views and few questionable episodes in his post-capsuleer life garner him a mixed reputation in the Empire, though thus far the public and nobility have paid little attention to him politically, taking more notice of his longstanding service and other traits.

Early Life

Aldrith was born on Mishi IV, the Ni-Kunni homeworld, to Tosonit and Chalna Shutaq. A secure and established middle-class family in the wealthy and comfortable southern city of Ny'Stetoh, Aldrith enjoyed a privileged life compared to many Ni-Kunni in the cluster. His father, a trader who had just bought his own Sigil-class hauler two years prior to Aldrith's birth, made a living by making trade runs between Amarr Prime and Mishi. Despite the dangers of navigating the low-security space lanes of Aridia and the difficulties of dealing with the Amarr Trade Registry, Tosonit proved to be a canny captain and provided well for his new family. Nevertheless, the majority of his profits went towards the payments for his ship and crew, keeping them from breaking into real wealth. This also meant that he was often absent from the household for months at a time, minimizing his role in Aldrith's early upbringing.

Chalna was a professional wind-dancer of promising talent with Ny'Stetoh's prominent Karhikez Sandstorm troupe, but dropped out for several years after Aldrith was born to care for him. Though most of the parenting duties fell to her while Tosonit was away, she did resolve to return to her art when Aldrith was of a certain age and her husband could spend less time with his business. The couple decided early that, unlike most Ni-Kunni, they would not expand their family due to the burdens on time both parents experienced from their professional lives. While unorthodox, it was not unheard of, and they left the possibility of having more children to a time when they could be more comfortable, though this never ended up to be the case, leaving Aldrith as an only child.

Aldrith was most influenced by his mother during this time, who imparted to him her love of the fine arts and Imperial culture. At the age of three he began lessons with the leteth, a traditional Amarr stringed instrument that the Ni-Kunni took a special liking to after their incorporation into the Empire. His father also encouraged a burgeoning interest starships in him, though this did not begin to manifest until much later in his life. By the age of five his talent for the arts was apparent, mastering several basic songs before he was to begin formal schooling. He only spent a single year in primary school when scouts for House Etranhi, the Holders of the city and surrounding territory, took notice and offered to take him into their patronage. Chalna and Tosonit jumped at the chance for such a prestigious and promising position for their son, and he entered their service as a page and musician while he was to be educated.

Aldrith received a Holder's quality education, being trained in a variety of subjects by the same tutors that taught the Etranhi children. The heavy emphasis on the arts revealed an even greater affinity for the written word, as the quality of lyrics written by him approached advanced poetry. Steadily he tended to gravitate more towards literature as he began to find more advanced musical training frustrating and restricting. By age ten he was dedicated to this path, though he kept playing the leteth as a hobby and for entertainment to the Holder's court. In the meantime, Aldrith's father began falling behind on his loan payments, though this was remedied when he began shifting to more lucrative trade routes to the State and Federation. Chalna had also returned to wind dancing professionally, further aiding the family from falling into debt, but the specter of financial troubles would return later for them.

Pre-Capsuleer History

Once court poet and author in the service of the Etranhi Holders on Mishi IV, he resigned from service after his second independent work under their patronage was refused publication rights by Amarrian censorship boards. He then begrudgingly scraped his way through Hedion University's business school on his father's behest.