Antares Shipyards (Player corporation)

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Template:Player Corporation Extended

About Us

Antares Shipyards is a very laid back corp, which focuses on PVP and the enjoyment we get from it - we have been based in 0.0 for around 2 years now in various areas and Alliances. The Core Group of members have played various games together for around 7 Years now.

Our History

Antares Shipyards was initially founded to be an industrial Venture for a few friends after finding we didnt like the other player corps we had joined, but now we PVP almost Exclusively.

2007 Our First Steps into 0.0

In January 2007 We joined Galactic Federation, Which were based in the then Freelancer Alliance Held Deklein, This was our first step into 0.0 we could alll barely fly battlecruisers, we stayed with Guardian Federation for a couple of months While FLA were under assault from D2 ultimately FLA fell and Guardia nFederation Crumbled, so we moved back to empire with our first shiny battleships.

In around March 2007 Guardian Federation Crumbled and we departed back to empire in search of a new alliance. We found Phalanx Alliance under the command of WETRAIN, and headed out to Venal and based out of the 6NJ8-V Solar System. This was to Prove our corps Greatest Decision, We were quickly took under WETRAINs Wing and Trained in many Forms of Combat With many shiptypes untill about July 2007 When we merged Corporations with WETRAINs corp R.U.S.T. For around 6 Months - then We rejoined ANTRS with our Newfound Knowledge and Experience. We were still in Phalanx Alliance at this Point so there was not much change.

Around July 2008, Phalanx Alliance had began to break down, with New Corps and powerstrugles the alliance began to tear itself apart from the inside, at this point we departed as it had changed its Goals, and direction to that which did not align with ours. A couple of weekd after our departure from venal we Joined Vanguard. In the Catch Region, to Which after a couple of Weeks of Feirce Engagements, Vanguard. Captured the outposts in FAT 6P and 25S-6P, Unfortunately, a couple of weeks later Against all Authorities Alliance Decided that they wanted these systems and forcefully Took them from us, Alot of feirce combat took place, but ultimately our Capital Fleet Was no match for theres, and a Withdrawl was ordered.
More to be added


What are our Expectations

Well, There are none, all we ask that people share our passion and attitude towards pvp, we like to chill and kill stuff, anyone who wants blobfest or handouts need not apply. We appreciate that people have other commitments than EVE so nothing is mandatory and you wont be frowned upon for having to leave for somethign more important.

What we offer you

We offer you a very laid back, tight nit corp of which to be part of. Where you will be known by your corpmates for who you are and not just another number to the field.

How do i Apply?

The only way you are going to get in is Via a refferal from another member in the corp.

Current Activities

Suicide Ganking