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CONCORD Outer Region Political Summary (CORPS) was a bi-monthly declassified report produced by the Directive Enforcement Department (DED) for Assembly heads of state, internal watch commanders and diplomats.

This report reflects CONCORD’s informal assessment of capsuleer political and military activity in non-empire controlled territories. Its purpose is to provide national stakeholders with a high-level situational overview of the outer regions.

However, we advise readers to act on this information with caution, as it cannot be deemed 100% reliable due to the unpredictable behavior of capsuleers and the limitations of observational assets within their domain.

The report is structured to follow movements of “significant influence” as defined by transfers of major territories in nullsec space. As such, the larger “movers and shakers” are likely to dominate these reports. This should not be interpreted as preferential treatment, as the coverage intent of this report is purely objective and non-biased.