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File:Zenariae Havraan (2).jpg
Zenariae Havraan - YC117
Name Zenariae Havraan
Sex Female
Date of Birth YC097.05.28
Birthplace Black Rise (Unspecified Starbase Medical Facility)
Height 180cm
Mass 55kg
Hair Color Deep Brunette
Eye Color Blue
Father Vila Havraan
Mother Kaleena Vorik
Siblings None / Unknown
Corporation Little Butterfly Enterprises
Occupation Space Photographer and Explorer

Early Life

Beyond a date entry nothing is publicly recorded of the circumstances of Zenariae Havraan's [ ʒenαːriː hᴧvrαːn ] birth at an outpost medical facility in the Black Rise Region. Her early years were spent enduring hazardous space travel and life aboard industrial starbases with her parents in and around Placid and Black Rise. The young family never settled long in one place and travel was a constant and difficult endeavour. Succumbing to a chronic illness, Zenariae's mother died while Zenariae was still a child aged six. In early YC111 Zenariae and her father moved into an orbital station above Samanuni XI where they have stayed since, keeping quietly to themselves.


At an early age Zenariae demonstrated a natural and keen curiosity for the universe. Regardless though of this strong aptitude for learning her education was lackluster and insufficient due to continuous and disruptive travelling, and her inclinations for focused academia were not fostered positively. All of her schooling was conducted in isolation via antiquated remote interfaces, her father having an intense dislike for holographic projection and other intrusive modern methods of instruction, and as such she did not benefit from the social interaction with other children.

During her later education, Zenariae's father involved himself in her instruction and supplemented her learning with the educational holoreels of his parent Megacorporation Hyasyoda as well as various other materials he saw fit for his daughter. She was a difficult student to teach however, easily distracted if not encouraged and often found the conservative materials and militaristic Caldari attitudes presented to her stifling. The materials often polarized her views and increased her feelings of isolation as she grew into adolescence.

Dismayed with the future prospects for his daughter, who by Caldari standards was a halfbreed and thus an insult to the State and bloodline purity, Zenariae's father instructed her enthusiastically in the Way of the Winds, as his own father had done. He hoped it would find a respectable outlet for her but met with considerable resistance and apparent disinterest as his teenage daughter became more and more withdrawn. He was strict and unrelenting though, and often punished her with tedious chores or extended denial of privileges for small misdemeanors in her behavior during this time.


Vila Havraan [ vilᴧ hᴧvrαːn ] was born to a conservative yet very prosperous Civire family tied to the Hyasyoda Corporation, many generations having served diligently under its auspices. His family was also active in a highly stylized, minimalistic form of theatre with numerous and rigid rules of delivery that focused solely on depicting the essence of Nature Spirits, the Winds, and other aspects of Wayism. In YC110 he resigned his position at Hyasyoda to pursue independent trade in biotechnology with an associate from Zainou Biotech, basing his trade out of the less State-centralized region of Black Rise.
Kaleena Vorik [ kαːliːɳᴧ voriːk ] was one of four children reborn into an Intaki artist family and practiced sculpture and craft from an early age, creating many small works of beauty that often depicted the human form blending with animal or nature themes. A woman of delicate beauty, intellect and gentle sensibilities, Zenariae's mother stubbornly resisted any cultural assimilation of her identity, Ida or her creative arts by any Caldari influences through her connection with the Havraan family.
Soolin Havraan [ suːlin hᴧvrαːn ], Zenariae’s aunt, is a Caldari expatriate living in the Gallente Federation with her husband and two children. She practices the minimalist theatre as taught in the Havraan family, but with adaptations to storytelling and performance to suit the appetites of her mainly Gallente audience, often deconstructing Wayist themes into absurd forms exploring the lack of purpose and senselessness of humanity without a spiritual core.

Personality and Relationships

Shy and sometimes reserved due to her isolated upbringing, Zenariae Havraan may talk enthusiastically or with energy when excited. She is an attentive listener and observer, but often distracted or frightened easily by things in her surroundings which can set off various nervous tics that manifest in her hands or speech. Her demeanour is normally very polite and openly honest. Quiet and with a genuine warmth towards and interest in people, she responds to sincerity in communication and responsibility in behaviour. Negativity can get the better of her which sends her into mood swings and paranoia. It may also rarely activate a display of explosive anger or extreme frustration that deteriorates into hasty or impulsive actions. She dislikes uncouth or manipulative conduct, rudeness and impolite language. Her likes and hobbies include travel, which she enjoys immensely, space photography, poetry, fireworks, flowers, sharing and drinking a pot of milky Intaki Sweet Tea, chocolates, collecting dolls and studying the Ecology of New Eden.

Zenariae is a heterosexual female with no particular preferences for race or somatotype, although she may find gentle, playfully intelligent, fastidious, well-spoken, and emotionally mature males attractive. Inexperienced with romantic involvements, she is hesitant and cautious yet with sufficient emotional engagement may progress into an at times fawning but deeply passionate relationship. Her conservative upbringing means she is not inclined to experiment with multiple partners or the opposite sex and is open to rich, even whimsical romantic friendships, shunning insincere short term flings or exotic encounters.

With no siblings and having lacked contact with other children during her childhood, Zenariae consciously longs for a sister sibling. She has several female Capsuleer and Baseliner friends, all of whom she regards in high esteem, although perhaps they unconsciously represent the need to fill a maternal vacuum created by the sudden loss of her mother at an early age. Several men, including Capsuleers, figure importantly and platonically in her life, as well as her father with whom she is very close. Currently single, Zenariae is seen travelling from time to time with a Capsuleer boyfriend she met in early YC 117 and has had no other intimate relationships.


Combining her mother’s features, naturally dark hair and slender physique with a soft resonance of her father’s facial bone structure and bright blue eyes, Zenariae Havraan does not bear the usual hallmarks of either of her parents’ bloodlines and is an obvious hybrid. No scarring, tattoos or body modifications are evident apart from conservative, decorative ear piercings. Hair is usually worn uncolored and loose, tucked behind an ear or in a relaxed plaited ponytail.

Awkward and clumsy at times, her movements tend to be fidgety and not elegant. Physical and neurological assessments have not correctly ascertained the nature of her bumbling, whether it is due to a nervous and overly self-conscious disposition, actual physical impairments or an unfortunate combination of both. No records exist of her physical and neurological attributes prior to Capsuleer status, so it is also unclear whether the transition to a clone with implant technology has had detrimental effect on her physiologically. Her aerobic fitness levels are extremely high though, and she is able to maintain a continuous, although gangly, meditative jog for many hours without break that usually leaves her in a cheerful and ebullient mood.


Capsuleer status was achieved at an early age for Zenariae although the files concerning this data appear to be corrupted and in some cases obviously doctored or simply missing. A report investigating the circumstances behind these data inconsistencies have linked a number of generous donations of finances transacted from public data terminals to the accounts of numerous personnel employed at [REDACTED], a cloning facility in [REDACTED] and a key staff member at the [REDACTED]. An addendum to the report includes details of the funds, which appear to have been shuffled through various corporations with no registered locations before reaching their intended recipients. Not all the funds have been accounted and it is estimated that anywhere between 10-15 Billion ISK worth of different baseliner currencies was shifted over a period of two years prior to YC115.12.29, when the transactions appear to have stopped. The case file remains open.
Wandering seemingly at random, Zenariae’s exploration career began mid-way through YC116 and focuses on no particular aspect of New Eden. She is seemingly content at forming a broad and holistic picture of the cluster, sometimes only briefly visiting systems that capture her interest, other times lingering for days or longer in places of particular beauty or fascination. Although her Capsuleer skills are particularly suited for exploration and stealth, her work is often conducted at a painstakingly slow pace, and it is not unusual for her to abandon a project to return again at a later date. W-Space is of great interest to her and has introduced Zenariae to pursue an anthropological motive to her exploring in an effort to understand the artefacts of ancient cultures she has seen there and elsewhere.
Discovering a talent for photography and a natural ability for handling camera drones during her early explorations considerably boosted Zenariae’s confidence in pursuing life as a Capsuleer documenting the vistas of New Eden space. As a spiritual pursuit, capturing the beauty of Maker’s universe and the shaping forces of the Winds brings some harmony to her oddly troubled being. It is an exploration of the self, of the subjective energies bound within her experiences as much as it is of the external dynamics that propel her discovery. She prefers a traditional landscape or documentary style in her art, although following an exhibition of works in early YC117 at a Capsuleer venue in Sortet, her style has become increasingly experimental and abstracted.
File:The Spirit of the Void.jpg
The Spirit of the Void
File:The Spirit of the Lost.jpg
The Spirit of the Lost
File:The Spirit of the Unknown.jpg
The Spirit of the Unknown

Spirituality and Beliefs

Zenariae is a Wayist with a heavily romanticised interpretation. Spiritual exploration, as her father rightly predicted, has given her an outlet to pursue the creativity that flows through her being. She admires the beauty of space, its spectacular forms as well as function as a means to define and expand consciousness and conducts her photography as an intensely spiritual activity. Often combining it with poetry, she seeks to explore and blend traditional aspects of Wayism with contemporary ideas as an expression of her life and a means to deal with the shadows that often pursue her thoughts and actively disrupt her feelings.

Although having had little exposure to Ida except through her mother, Intaki culture and spirituality is fascinating to Zenariae, particularly the notion of rebirth of the spirit, which she feels is not at odds with Caldari beliefs that death is a submission to the inevitable, harsh nature of the universe. Death, she believes, releases the spirit into memory, which is not afflicted by the ephemerality of human constructs of time, and thereby provides a conduit to the deceased's consciousness. The spirit is one of the highest forms of order and an instrument of the Winds. Intaki rebirth for Zenariae is simply an alternate expression of the notion that a person's life is an echo of consciousness throughout all time and can be accessed with appropriate meditation, awareness and compassion.

Drawn by the beauty of the Vapor Sea and the Cauldron nebulae, Zenariae's early travels saw an unfortunate encounter with a baseliner Blooder colony in Khanid space. Imprisoned for several days and forced to use psychotropic drugs, she spent much of that time in a delusional haze and witnessed the horrors of blooding and other ritual abuses of humanity in the name of Sani Sabik faith. The emotional toll was enormous and destructive but she managed to escape before she suffered the same fate as other prisoners she met there - death, or coerced conversion into beliefs she considered ridiculous and the complete loss of identity to a monstrous ideology in the guise of religion.

It was this experience that returned her to the Way of the Winds with renewed vision and energy, having largely ignored those spiritual roots as a young adolescent, and enabled her to recognise the importance of an enlightened spiritual path as a means to balance the negative forces that impede a prosperous and healthy life. The Way, she felt, possessed a gentle and elegant philosophy at its core in spite of the harsh and fatalistic realities of Caldari civilisation, and she saw it as an appropriate means of expression through art. As a Capsuleer Zenariae could afford such a bold rebuttal of Caldari expectations of duty towards corporate life. Clearly, her mother's artistic abilities were at work within her being - yet she never felt that she was rejecting her Caldari culture, but rather enhancing it, for without the imagination of even the lowliest of artists, even the simple design of the wheel would have been impossible.


Zenariae Havraan's current whereabouts are unknown. Her Astero, the Little Flower is undocked and vanished from K-Space mid YC117. Her last known location was the Deltole system.