Hyasyoda Corporation

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Hyasyoda Corporation.png
Name Hyasyoda Corporation
Ticker HC
CEO Ahtonen Osmon
Tax Rate 0.0%
Extent National
Headquarter Suroken
Caldari State.png
Caldari State
Ishukone Corporation.png
Ishukone Corporation
CBD Corporation.png
CBD Corporation
Size Huge
Shares 1000

Hyasyoda is a Megacorporation in the Caldari State, and belongs to the State's Liberals power bloc. It is one of the oldest of the Caldari mega corporations, having been formed shortly after first contact with the Gallente when the Caldari were still in the Industrial Age. It's conservative and cautious, but adheres to the old saying: 'Only the paranoid survive.'

Hyasyoda focuses on bread-and-butter industries such as agriculture, mining, and consumer products. Its operations are largely contained to the State itself, although it has partnerships with foreign companies to market many of its products in foreign territories.

The corporation is still largely controlled by the Osmon family that founded it, though much of its stock has been sold off over the company’s long history. Perhaps as a result of this history, Hyasyoda’s corporate culture is just as conservative as its business strategies, with a strong leaning toward old school corporatism and established tradition. The amount of social pressure on Hyasyoda employees to “fit in” is extremely high, even for the Caldari State, where such pressure is part of daily life.

Hyasyoda is also extremely distrustful of the other megacorporations, the exception being Ishukone, their longtime ally; the corporation is also wary of any hint of centralized State authority. As a result, Hyasyoda has been one of the strongest critics of the Caldari Providence Directorate, despite joining it voluntarily shortly before the Caldari Prime invasion, and has led opposition to the Executor in the CEP.

The Corporate Police Force is the police and security arm of the Hyasyoda mega corporation.

See Also