Awakened Infomorph

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Awakened Infomorph

The entity known as the Awakened Infomorph is the focus of much debate and speculation. The timing of its appearances and elusive nature leaves the community at large with little to no hard evidence regarding the truth of the matter.

First Sighting: Blazing Angels Ambush

Original report credited to Commander Samuel Baxter.

The first recorded sighting of the Awakened Infomorph was on YC113.07.19 in a C6 system settled by the Blazing Angels capsuleer alliance. Four hours after collapsing several wormholes connecting to their system, the Awakened Infomorph was spotted on directional scan by one of the Blazing Angels pilots. Several minutes later, while a search operation was ongoing for the perceived intruder, a mining operation was attacked by a seemingly standard flight of Sleeper drones. Blazing Angels reinforcements deployed to secure the area were ambushed by a wormhole that transported overwhelming numbers of Sleeper drones, ranging from Emergent- to Sleepless-class ships.

The proximity and timing has led many to the conclusion that the Awakened Infomorph is connected to the Sleepers somehow, if not a Sleeper herself.

Second Sighting: Promised Land

Original report credited to Commander Samuel Baxter.

The Synenose Accord began investigating original reports from the Blazing Angels, eventually tracking the entity to the Promised Land system. The Awakened Infomorph was nowhere to be found when Promised Land and other systems in the EVE constellation were searched.

Of possible interest was the presence of large Rogue Drone structures - typical anomalies designated Drone Squad and Drone Surveillance. It should be noted that the anomalies showed no abnormal behavior when compared to similar anomalies.

Promised Land's pirate presence of Blood Raiders and its distance from frequented Empire space has raised some suspicion regarding the rogue drone presence, attributing it to the Awakened Infomorph's reported presence in the system.

More recent reports by Arek'Jaalan personnel from the system note that the rogue drone anomalies cycle via normal activity, and Blood Raider anomalies and signatures appear as normal. It has been suggested that the rogue drone activity was coincidental with the Awakened Infomorph's appearance.

Third Sighting: New Caldari

The last known sighting of the Awakened Infomorph occurred on YC113.07.22 in the New Caldari system during an engagement with Sansha's Nation led by Citizen Astur. It should be noted that this was not an Incursion but rather a direct attack against capsuleers.

A spatial rift was observed near the Jita stargate where the Sansha attack was taking place. It was exposed to a barrage of testing and speculation to no avail. The Awakened Infomorph was spotted piloting a Caldari shuttle far from the gate, possibly observing the engagement. It was hailed in local fluid-router comms, but only gave a short response.

<span style="background:"Recorded from the New Caldari Local channel:
[07:17:55] Harendotes > Can you help us?
[07:18:18] Awakened Infomorph > No."

1px solid #AAA;padding:1em 1em 2px;line-height:normal"> 

The entity left the system and has not been heard from since.


There is a great deal of speculation regarding the Awakened Infomorph and its true nature. There is little to no evidence supporting any claim, but they are still distinct possibilities.

Sleeper Origin

The most common belief is that the Awakened Infomorph is related to the Sleepers in some way, or may even be a Sleeper infomorph given a body after existing in VR for millenia. The term "Awakened" implies a previous state of sleep, and Sleeper cruisers are designated "Awakened". The Awakened Infomorph has been sighted in proximity with Sleeper drones and believed to be involved with the spatial rift found at New Caldari, a phenomenon also suggested to be related to Sleepers. These reasons form a common consensus, but remains far from a valid theory without solid evidence.

Rogue Drone Origin

Some believe that the Awakened Infomorph is more directly connected to the rogue drones due to its appearance in Promised Land and apparent relationship with spatial rifts, as rifts have been attributed to rogue drones in the past, as well.

The usage of the term "infomorph" seems to contradict this, as the consciousness that the term implies is the result of a human uploading its mind to a data-state. Rogue drones, while advanced and possibly sentient, are still artificially intelligent.

Sansha Relation

It is speculated that Sansha's Nation attack New Caldari on YC113.07.22 to prevent capsuleer's from gathering intelligence on the Awakened Infomorph. However, there is no evidence to indicate that the Awakened Infomorph had any presence in New Caldari or known space whatsoever immediately before Sansha's Nation engaged their attack on the Jita stargate.

Another, unrelated, possible interest in Sansha's Nation may be indicated by the presence of the persistent wormhole left at Promised Land I by Sansha forces. Continued investigations by Arek'Jaalan personnel of the Promised Land system has led some to conclude that the rogue drone presence was a coincidence, leaving the wormhole as the only other apparent reason for the Awakened Infomorph's reported presence in the system.

Dead End Transmission

See also: Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W4: Strange transmission in Dead End

On YC113.07.29, a contributor for the Arek'Jaalan project received a mysterious transmission while sending binary messages in the Dead End system in an effort to communicate with rogue drones. The message received was encoded using base64 format.

It has been speculated that, due to the proximity of Dead End to Promised Land, that the Awakened Infomorph's presence is somehow related to the transmission. The transmission has yet to be reproduced and did not, in itself, reveal anything significant. Due to this, the matter cannot be pursued further.

Lianda Burreau

Professor Lianda Burreau disappeared in YC111 after taking a team to explore one of the newly-appeared wormholes. There has been no word of evidence regarding her whereabouts or ultimate fate until YC113.07.08, when a Helios belonging to her was destroyed. [[1]]

It has been suggested that, due to the Awakened Infomorph appearing to be of the Jin-Mei ethnicity, that it is actually Lianda Burreau. It should be pointed out that the Awakened Infomorph does not have any resemblance to Professor Burreau, possessing different skin-tone, facial structure, eyebrows, and eye color.

One possible explanation for the differing appearance is that Burreau transferred her infomorph into a foreign clone. While infomorph cross-transplantation is possible, it would require a clone to either be created or stolen. In the latter scenario, clone facility personnel would have reported the theft/disappearance.

Reawakened Infomorph

Shortly after the public appearance of the Awakened Infomorph in New Caldari, a capsuleer called themselves a Reawakened Infomorph and attempted to capitalize on the sensation. This has since been proven as nothing more than a hoax and warrants no further attention.

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