Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd/SeyCon5

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PostScript: SeyCon 5 Results and Transcripts

With SeyCon 5 behind us, it is time to sum up the results. The coference has been a successful event, with nearly 200 attendees from around the cluster. The number of attending capsuleers was 25 with a well balanced combination of scientists, researchers, industrialists, explorers and combat pilots.

SeyCon 5 started on Saturday July 9 on Seyllin VIII with the pre-conference event of SeyCon Live. The first day of the conference hosted the Threats track complete with three presentations and a panel.

The transcripts available were recorded by Haria Haritimado.

Alizabeth Vea on the Amarr-Drifter War
Jaret Victorian on the Mitigation of Casualties and Infomorph Technology
Morwen Lagann on Drifter Hive fleet doctrines
Threats Panel

The day culminated with a live stream directly from a hive.

The second day offered its viewers the Mysteries & Wonders track with the following presentations and a panel.

Saede Riordan on Wormhole Mechanics 301
Makoto Priano on Spatial Rifts and Nexus
Mysteries & Wonders Panel

SeyCon Live

The Live Stream was a success. It brought more than a million of unique viewers and peaked at 901K concurrent viewers during the first day. The second day bested this result bringing 1310K concurrent viewers from all over the cluster. We are happy to see that science and interstellar problems interest so many people!


We offer our thanks to the commentators of this conference - Cecile Bachelot, Kosho Suto, Pibius Skia and Puroka Genur for such an excellent coverage. We hope to see them next year!

We hope that the attendees and the viewers of The Fifth Seyllin Conference could take full advantage from the high scientific level of the conference, appreciate the venue at the CreoDrone atmospheric station at Seullin VIII and enjoy the friendly atmosphere that the participants immediately created and we all keep in our memories.

It was a pleasure for us to organize and host SeyCon 5 and we are looking forward to seeing you all and more at next year!