New Eden Cuisine

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Caldari Brine Tank Noodles

Brine Tank Noodles are cooked from tank grown seafood and hydroponic buckwheat noodles - staples of the Caldari diet, especially in Orbital structures. Brine Tanks are part of the water reclamation process, part of the station housekeeping infrastructure and a traditional holdover from fusion power before the Caldari mastered Graviton Reactors. Repurposed into seafood growing mediums, they produce much of the protein that isn't shipped in from planetside industries.

Achurans are fond of elevating the dish with planet farmed seafood - the fresher the better - and planet grown noodles that are thinner than the standard. (Soba or Ramen instead of Udon) They also tend to apply a very different take on seasoning than the standard - which can take non-Suuvee visitors to Suuvee territory by surprise, much to the amusement of the locals.