The Arian Federation (Player coalition)

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The Arian Federation is a group of Corporations that are against all forms of Piracy acts. The Federation works using the Method of board leaders. We are also using a new form of government we like to call "Republic Democracy". This form of government has a direct impact on what council members will discuss and deal with of future problems. The Leader boards we use are "The council Leader board" and "The Federation Command Leader Board".Also too this there is a Leader. There is NO voting on who will be the Leader. so this means once a leader leaves a new one is picked, nothing more. TAF follows Democracy and such as there is voting with in the federation. This Federation is an Player Alliance, not a Player Coalition. We are recruiting Corporations too join our Federation. If any one is interested joining TAF please send a convo. to Royalreaper.All races are welcome (Gallente and Minmatar preferred). Also, we are looking for players that work in the fields such as Anti-Piracy PvP, PvE, Indy. The wars that we will take place in are against corporations that do piracy in our area that we work in. we do believe in fair war play.

We are the ones willing too walk the path that not many are willing too take to get where they want. We strive for our dream too come true for if we did not do this we would be nothing so we strive, we strive for every thing we hold dear too this federation. It is not just some other alliance in the great world we know as New Eden we are the light that shines in that world. We are the ones that will lay the new path for those who have the same dream as us. For those that dream, dream with us, strive with us, work with us, Join us for we are Soilders of The Arian Federation.

What is needed to join AF2

1: Must not take part in Piracy acts

2: Must have atleast 5 members that are in the corporation.

3: Most of the corporation must be active.

4: Must be able to pay there part of the Alliance bill.

5: Must be willing to allow new players into there corp. (This can have a waiver)

The Council Board Leaders

Council Leader : Royalreaper
Council Member :
Council Member :
Council Member :
Council Member :
Council Member :
Council Member :

The Federation Command Leaders

Federation Leader : Royalreaper

Federation Director : Pending

Federation Military Leader : Pending

Fedaration Military Director : Pending

Federation Industry Leader : Pending

Fedaration Industry Director : Pending

Federation Personal Leader : Pending

Fedaration Personal Director : Pending

Current Corporations that are in AF2

Royal Knights of The One (Player Corporation) - Leading Corporation of "The Arian Federation" and one of the founding Corporations[1]

Arian Banking and Commision - Bank of the alliance

Sons of the Southeren Cross - One of the founding corporations of the Arian Federation

Coon Legionaries - One of the Founding Corporations of the Arian Federation